Rodeo Riders
sounds reached them. There was just the two of them, and insanity.
    She drew the jeans over first one raised foot and then the other. Eyes closed, she stroked his calves. She started working her hands higher. His knees were remarkable, bone and cartilage masterfully created. But as much as they fascinated her, even more she needed to feel his thighs, to embrace his cock.
    His shorts. Damn it, she hadn’t—
    Biting down on frustration, she willed her fingers to glide to the back of his thighs. He shivered, and she laughed, the sound full of power and animal need. Despite the roaring in her head, it was now easier to continue her upward journey. She needed to embrace his cock, but that could wait because even the backs of his legs carried the same message of strength under smooth flesh. Downy hairs grew at the juncture of thigh and buttocks, and she gently stroked them. His hands rested on the top of her head.
    She couldn’t keep her hands off his briefs, or, more precisely, out from under them. As she slid her fingers past the thin layer, the mark the elastic had left at the base of his buttocks caught her attention. She might have spent a long time exploring the thin indentations if he hadn’t twitched. Ah, the man was sensitive there.
    And there too, she discovered as she inched northward. His ass was compact and nicely curved with layers of skin and muscle between her and bone. Buried in there was the strength that would come into play during the sex act. Strange how normal his muscles felt now, strange how urgent her need to have them work her.
    “Damn you, Jordan. You’re driving me crazy!”
    “I intend to.”
    “Not if I have my way. Someone could come in. If we’re going to—”
    “We are. Now.”
    “No, not yet. Your clothes.”
    Much as she hated ending her exploration of his ass, she stood, leaned against him and pulled off her boots. He reached for her jeans, but she shoved him away.
    “No. This time I’m in charge.”
    “Are you?”
    Hell no. But until or unless he made a liar out of her, she would strip for him and give herself up as a gift to this man who’d nearly lost his life or, if not that, his physical freedom. Too excited to attempt a slow seduction, she dispensed with her jeans and panties at the same time. As she did, he shrugged out of his briefs and perched on the edge of the canvas-covered bale. His cock waited for her, impatient and strong.
    She managed to unfasten her blouse before need gripped her. Something between a growl and a cry escaped her. Then she was on him, pushing him onto his back. He reached up, his hands gripping her shoulders and bringing her forward. Straddling him, she stood on her toes and started to lower herself over him, seeking the union of cock and cunt.
    “Wait. Stop!”
    “I need a condom.”
    Oh shit, shit. But even as she gathered her thoughts to tell him she didn’t care, she knew she wouldn’t say the words. Dizzy, she tore his hands off her. “Stay there. I’ll get—”
    “In my wallet.”
    Fumbling in the near dark for his jeans took an unreal amount of time. She tried to make peace with her naked belly, ass, pussy and legs as she dug through his wallet. Finding the condom was more important than shedding her blouse, which still hung half off her. When her fingers closed around the small package, she snorted in triumph. Tearing at the wrapping with her teeth, she stumbled back to where she’d left Cougar.
    Hard as it had been to locate the necessary protection, closing her hand around his cock felt like a homing pigeon returning to its nest. The instant her fingertips stroked the soft, potent flesh, what little strength she’d held on to deserted her. She couldn’t stop shaking, couldn’t help but wonder at the near miracle that had brought them to this point.
    She was going to have sex with Cougar, again take him into her. Share that deepest of intimacies.
    As for why she needed this so much—
    Jerked out of

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