Rogue Diamond

Rogue Diamond by Mary Tate Engels Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Rogue Diamond by Mary Tate Engels Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mary Tate Engels
rugged. He exuded a kind of raw masculinity she found im pos si ble to ignore. Plus, he had resources.
    Alex felt a distinct sense of exhilaration for the first time in days. She had accomplished what she set out to do. Nick Diamond was going to help her find Jenni! Yes!
    But the exhilaration was short-lived, as other questions crowded her mind. Why did this man agree to help her? It certainly wasn't money he was after. He never even looked at the envelope he'd tucked in si de his shirt. Was it the plight of Jenni, a poor homeless waif? Or because Alex was an American ... a woman? Could Nick be trusted? According to rumor, she should beware.
    Nick’s partner, Jose tapped a pen on the notepad before him. "Her story checks out. At least, so far. The Mexican woman who was killed was her maid. And the woman had an illegitimate daughter about a year and a half ago."
    Nick listened as he changed clothes in the ad joining bedroom of the upstairs flat. "What about her job? Any subver si ve activities?" He slid his long, muscular legs into a clean, dry pair of jeans and zipped them .
    "Works at th e Univer si ty in the Early Child hood Department as an exchange professor from Arizona State. Does a good job. Speaks fluent Spanish. Works well in the field." Jose clicked off Alex's brief history in Mexico. "Her job's in jeopardy."
    "Why?" Nick buttoned the clean camisa across the breadth of his chest and left it hanging casually out si de his waist .
    "Tight budge t at the Univer si ty. Her depart ment will pro bably be cut. Some teachers pre sented a petition to the pre si dent today. Threat ened to strike."
    Nick raised his dark eyebrows. "Is she a part of that?"
    "No. She attended a funeral today."
    "Can I trust her, Jose ?"
    "If you can trust yourself, Capitan ." Jose smiled intuitively as he leaned against the door frame, his powerful body filling the doorway. "Just don't look too deeply into the senorita's eyes."
    Nick laughed roughly. "Don't worry, Jose . I won't let this woman get to me. But I'm making no promises that I won't get to her. She could warm a bed nicely."
    " Si , Capitan . You can take care of yourself." He chuckled deep in his huge chest. "Ready to go?"
    "Yep." Nick moved toward the door. "Let's see if there's a baby for sale out there. This might be just what we've been looking for."
    Jose followed Nick. "You think this one might be involved in a baby ring?"
    Nick nodded, his expres si on turning grim. "Selling Mexican babies is a big bu si ness. Let's hit the street and check with some of our contacts. Somebody, somewhere, knows about this kid."
    Nick called Alex the following afternoon. "Meet me in an hou r," he said. "Our Lady of Guada lupe. Bring the newspaper clipping, along with your list of suspects."
    "What suspects? They're friends! Why?"
    "I'll explain later. Just be there."
    Alex was on time. Nick Diamond was late. She sat alone in the church, nervously twisting a handkerchief. Maybe he wasn't even coming. Maybe he just wanted to get rid of her today by sending her to the church. Maybe he had no in tention of finding Jenni. How did she know if he was trustworthy ? She had been foolish to disre gard the rumors. Maybe they were true.
    She bent her head and looked at the row of empty wooden pews, then let her eyes travel to the rear of the church. Her gaze moved along the Stations of the Cross , where brightly colored murals decorated the walls. The biblical figures in the ancient pictorial, including the Christ, were portrayed as dark-skinned Mexicans.
    Two robed figures moved si lently to prepare the altar for the next mass; an old woman knelt in prayer near the front. A constellation of candles flickered, projecting shadows on the somber murals.
    Although her attitude was one of supplication, and her heart repeatedly cried out one particular prayer, Alex's mind raced in many directions.
    Was she too trusting with this man she hardly knew? Yet she had to trust someone. She had

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