ROMAN: Fury of Her King (Kings of the Blood Book 2)

ROMAN: Fury of Her King (Kings of the Blood Book 2) by Julia Mills Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: ROMAN: Fury of Her King (Kings of the Blood Book 2) by Julia Mills Read Free Book Online
Authors: Julia Mills
creepy woman and asked, “What the hell are you
talking about? Did you drink your own crazy Kool-aid? And what is a ‘flaky
cards moo’? Something all your buds at the funny farm are playing in their
spare time?”
    Chuckling like they were old friends while ignoring all of Cyn’s
questions, Valentina sat her skinny bum on the edge of the rickety cot, crossed
her legs, and patted Cyn’s thigh. “Oh darling, we have so much to discuss. I
forgot that your  sýntrofos  hasn’t gotten around to explaining
everything to you yet.”
    Removing her hand before batting her eyes and picking at imaginary
lint on the knee of her black pencil skirt, Valentina mocked, “Isn’t Roman such
a silly man?” Sighing, she continued with an evil glint in her eye, “It’s a
good thing he has me to pick up the slack as I always have for my King.”
    Standing, Valentina motioned for Laurent to come out of the
shadows. “Let’s get our dear Cynthia up. I believe there’s a chair over there
that you can use. I think the shackles on her ankles will be enough.” She
looked back to Cyn, wrinkled her nose, and finger waved like they were buds
before continuing, “After all, we want her to be as comfortable as possible
while we talk.”
    Walking towards the door, she added over her shoulder, “Oh, and
Laurent, please make sure she gets something to eat and drink. Wouldn’t want
her wasting away. I’ll be back in an hour.”
    Listening to the sounds of Valentina’s pointy-toed stilettos tap
against the wooden steps had Cyn trying to conjure an escape plan. She liked
Roman… a lot . Had dreamt about being with him for years, but if dating
the great Mr. Marinos meant dealing with Mentally Deranged Mortica Addams, then
Cyn was ready, willing, and able to walk away. No man, no matter how
good-looking, was worth all this crap.
    Watching Laurent pull a large wooden chair that had seen better
days out of the dark, Cyn decided all she could do was try to convince the
large silent man to let her go. It was obvious Valentina had some kind of hold
over him but maybe, just this once, luck would be on her side.
    Looking down her body as Laurent knelt at the foot of the cot to
unlock the chains, Cyn asked, “Why are you doing this? You know I did nothing
    A low grunt was Laurent’s only response as she moved to the other
side of the bed. Deciding her only course of action was to keep trying, she
said, “If this is about money, you have to know I mean nothing to Roman
Marinos. This was our first dinner date. He doesn’t know me from Adam.” Then
she added with a conspiratorial whisper, “I think he just feels sorry for me
cause I came from a one-horse town in the middle of nowhere.”
    “Not about money,” the chauffeur’s barely audible grumble was his
only response as he stood and walked to the head of the bed.
    “Then what is it about?” Blowing her bangs out of her eyes again
with the hopes of seeing her captor’s face, she added in her best begging tone,
“Please, Laurent, help me understand why this is happening.”
    His fingers fumbled with the knot holding her wrists to the rail
at the top of the cot as he blew out a long, low breath and muttered something
in what sounded like the same language Valentina sporadically used. Holding her
breath, waiting for him to say something,  anything , Cyn’s
impatience won out and before she could engage her brain, her mouth was ranting
like the crazy woman she was sure to become. “Why won’t you talk to me? You
know I have no clue what’s going on. You’re the one that picked me up and was
supposed to take me to Roman’s house but instead stuck a needle in my neck and
trussed me up like grandpa’s first kill of the season. I’m being treated like a
hostage but you say it’s not about money. I’ve been drugged, tied up, left in a
stinky basement, and now I’m gonna have to listen to ‘Morticia’ drone on and on
and  you  won’t even give me a clue about what is

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