Romance: Seducing The Quarterback

Romance: Seducing The Quarterback by Stacie Duncan Read Free Book Online

Book: Romance: Seducing The Quarterback by Stacie Duncan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stacie Duncan
just a stupid TV show. In real life, bikers were fat and
middle-age. Riding around on bikes and wearing silly jackets is how they tried
to fight against the reality of getting older. It was their way of staying in
touch with some part of their childhood. Nicole wasn’t sure how’d she strayed
off into that line of pseudo psycho-analysis, but she quickly got a hold of
herself. She didn’t give a damn about what the average biker in America looked
like. She didn’t give a damn about the overweight, weekend warrior, desperately
to prove their masculinity, while doing everything in their power to prove that
they hadn’t progressed beyond the level of boys—boys with big bellies and
big-load toys.
    No, she didn’t give a damn about any of that. What she cared
about was her wet pussy that yearned for a cock other than Jeffery’s. It was a
strange feeling that she was trying to work through. He had been magnificent
the night before –full of passion and vigor and just the right amount of dirty
talk. But it wasn’t enough. She knew that she would never really be satisfied
with him.
    She couldn’t go on living life like this. She had to get out
of that apartment, maybe out of that city. She wasn’t the kind of woman who had
built a reputation for doing rash things, throwing the die into the middle of
the table. But maybe, just maybe, it was time for her to make that change, to
become that brave, fearless woman. This engagement and the subsequent marriage
would end up killing her. She could never be one hundred percent faithful to
him. She would never be able to entirely submit. He wasn’t the kind of man who
would ever be capable of earning that from her.
    There was no more time to waste. Now that she had made up
her mind, Nicole didn’t want to wait before she took this monumental step in
her life. The rest of her day was completely wasted. She spent several hours on
the phone begging and pleading for a moving company to help her move out
immediately. She kept getting turned down. They needed more time. Didn’t have enough
time. Mover had too many other appointments. One excuse after another. It got
so bad that she even told a few of the companies that she was a victim of
domestic violence and desperately needed to get away while he was at work. But
even that wasn’t enough to persuade any of them to come help her at the last
minute. If she was going to figure her way out of this situation then she was
going to have to do it alone.
    She decided that she would only take a couple bags with her.
It wasn’t an easy decision for her to arrive at. There was no telling what
Jeffrey would do when he found out that she had broken off the engagement and
the entire relationship all together. He would certainly be a boiling kettle of
rage. He didn’t seem like a very mean or aggressive man. But he could be both
of those things in heavy amounts if he felt jealous or insulted.
    This would be the worst, the most painful insult that he
could possibly take. The woman whom he loved more than he’d ever loved before
had walked out on him while he was at work trying to earn enough to help pay
off the ring and put a little money down for the really big ring and then more
for the wedding. He had planned on working his ass off, showing up earlier and
leaving later than ever before. But that opportunity had been snatched from
him. Sure, she’d said yes to his proposal. At least some part of her must have
been willing to take the matrimonial plunge with him.
    Was it a case of cold feet, coquetry or butterflies in the
belly? Was it simply a woman deciding that it was time to take charge of her
life? To do what it is that she needed to do.
    With her two large suitcases in hand and a fully-stuffed
backpack strapped to her, Nicole walked out of her building and on to the busy
street. For some reason this New York landscape looked different to her.
Everything around her seemed bright and vibrant, so full of possibility and
adventure, but also

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