Romance: Young Adult Romance: The Perfect Game (A Highschool Football Romance) (Bad Boy Nerd New Adult Romance)

Romance: Young Adult Romance: The Perfect Game (A Highschool Football Romance) (Bad Boy Nerd New Adult Romance) by Stella White Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Romance: Young Adult Romance: The Perfect Game (A Highschool Football Romance) (Bad Boy Nerd New Adult Romance) by Stella White Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stella White
could give you all you want in life.''
    ''Do you think I'm stupid? You would soon get bored of me and discard me. Then what? Being fired without a reference wouldn't look good on my resume.''
    A nurse came into the room and checked Avaline's blood pressure and temperature. ''Your temperature's up a little. She's tired now; perhaps you can come back tomorrow?'' the nurse said.
    ''Sure. Remember Avaline, you 're coming back to mine. I always get what I want.''
    The nurse looked at him as he left the room and shook her head. ''Is he bothering you Avaline. He seems awfully pushy.''
    ''But hot wouldn't' you say?''
    ''Yes. I would say hot but dangerous,'' the nurse replied. They both laughed at the sisterly joke.
    ''Yes the dangerous bit hadn't escaped me,'' Avaline concluded.
    When Robert picked Avaline up, he was worried he was taking the fly to the spiders web. But those were his instructions. He knew what his boss was like . He'd ferried lots of women to Palmer Court, Colten's massive mansion in the hills around LA. None of them had stayed very long. He'd also taken most of them away again, in tears. Colten was a hard bastard. It didn't matter whether it was business or women, he applied the same principles. Robert remembered when Colten had told him about his philosophy. Colten saw life in terms of deals. He'd said a good deal is when you get out more than you put in. When Robert had told his wife what Colten had said she 'd laughed. He recalled her exact words. ''That may work great for business, but it's absolutely the wrong attitude to relationships.''  But Robert was convinced Colten didn't give a damn.
    'Here we are, Miss . Palmer Court. What do you think?'' Robert said pulling the Rolls up outside the mansion.
    ''My God, it's huge,'' she said. ''I had no idea. Maybe it won't be such a bad place to recuperate after all.''
    ''Miss,'' Robert began. He had chosen his words carefully. ''I've brought a lot of young women here, to this house. None of them have stayed very long, and most of them left with a broken heart.'' Avaline listened intently to what he had to say. ''I like you. You're bubbly and beautiful; I don't want to see the same thing happen to you.''
    ''Robert. As well as a life saver you're a star for thinking of me in that way.'' She reached from the back seat and patted him on the shoulder. ''But  I want to tell you there is no way I'm entering into any kind of relationship with Colten. I'm his PA and not his mistress, despite what he may think.''
    ''Good for you miss.''
    Avaline took her handbag from the seat and put her hand on the door handle. ''No man has ever played around with me, and I don't intend to let him do so.''
    But he's got you to come to his house already, Robert though. He wasn't convinced Avaline could hold out against the firepower Colten could muster. Power and wealth were very strong persuaders as far as women were concerned.
    ''So here you are,'' Colten said as he walked down the stone steps that led from the front door.
    ''It's some house. I love the peacocks,'' Avaline gestured to the two birds walking across the lawn.
    ''They are great aren't they. Come on, let me take your bags.'' Colten and Robert carried her bags up the steps and into the house. Inside it was cool and roomy. Avaline had thought it would be tacky. She'd had images of gold and marble, but it wasn't like that at all. It was exactly as she would have furnished it. It was colonial just like the restaurant in the Hopeless Sinner.
    Robert left, and Colten showed Avaline to her room. It was the biggest bedroom she'd ever seen. The bed alone was large enough for four people.
    ''This is yours for as long as you want it. It's south facing so you'll get lots of sunlight.''
    ''Colten,'' she began. He looked at her. She was more beautiful than any woman he'd ever had at the house. So beautiful he felt the beginnings of an erection when he looked at her. She was dressed in a floral dress that showed off a good amount of

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