breath, he felt the need to sit down . He was in awe of the vision before him. He was transfixed , riveted by the ethereal vision of lovel i ness as the early afternoon su n bathed her in its warm glow and the heady scent of the flo w ers envel oped them with their pe r fume.
He couldn’t stop the flow of words. “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?” His deep, gravelly voice intruded on the affectionate display , a faint smile tugging on his lips.
Startled, with a strangled yelp, Poppy ’s breath caught. Standing she turn ed suddenly. “Excuse me?” She exclaimed let ting out her strangled breath on a whoosh, she placed her hand over her wildly beating heart. Jerking her gaze up, she looked into eyes the color of costly e m eralds.
“I had no idea that Ash was keeping fairies captive in his ga rden or I would have seen fit to ar rive sooner.” Having spent the last year tucked away at his country estate, she was def i nitely a we l come diversion , a tempting bit of fluff if he had ever seen one .
“Who are you?” Curiosity mingled with concern. She glanced around helplessly , trapped in her own slice of heaven. Her heart thumped wildly at being alone with a complete stranger without means of escape.
A tall, dark , exceedingly male stranger.
Poppy felt her pulse leap as she stared , fascinated at the breathtaking man looming over her.
She flushed because of her outburst and then glanc ed down when she remembered her lack of shoes. Blast. She glanced around frantically for a second trying to locate the m issing a r ticle s . Did a lack of shoes count as hoydenish behavior?
“ Heavens , y ou gave me a fright ! ” He was definitely one of the most handsome men she had ever laid eyes on. Her mouth water ed just looking at him. She swallowed and dragged in a desperately needed breath. Impre ssed by the picture before her, perhaps she would make an exception if he sent her some hothouse flowers . It is such a trifling transgre s sion , after all.
Declan’s typically disciplined desires rebelled. His mind was bursting with unruly thoughts. The beauty before him arous ed something wild and primitive, s omething he had b e lieved he would never feel again.
She was such a tiny little thing but curved in all the right places. Appreciative of her form his groin tightened. He had definitely been without a woman for far too long, he thought ruefully. Why did he have a feeling that h is self-imposed exile was going to catch up with him on this trip? Fighting for contro l and quickly losing the battle. T he last thing he wanted to do was frighten her. The last thing he had expected to find was her.
“Pardon, my l ady.” He bowed elegantly before her. “I hope you forgive my intrusion, but I noticed that lit tle ball of fur .” H e tilt ed his head towards Georgie . “ He was bounding towards this wall with an abundant enthusiasm and my curiosity got the better of me . ”
“You know what they say about curiosity.” S he flushed under his perusal, h er nervou s ness caus ing her tongue to run away. “Oh… ” She pressed her hands to her hot cheeks.
He filled his lungs with air and slowly exhaled. “ Please a llow me to introduce myself, I am Declan Trenowyth. I must compliment you on your companion. He is adorable. ” He couldn’t stop his eyes from devour ing her delicious form , his eyes glittering in amusement.
Poppy sucked in a breath at the mention of his name. F illed with her usual boundless en ergy she released Georgie and rushed forward with outstretched hand s . “ “A name I know so well. I feel as if we have already been introduced , Your G race .” She dip into an elegant cur t sy . “How nice it is to finally meet one of Pa r ker’s dearest friends.”
Declan inwardly groaned. Her moist, red lips were calling to him. He accepted her ou t stretched hands and inclined h is
Sean Astin with Joe Layden