Russian Mobster's Stolen Wife

Russian Mobster's Stolen Wife by Bella Rose Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Russian Mobster's Stolen Wife by Bella Rose Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bella Rose
meeting with my father when I have no clothes?”
    “I had Anson wash the clothes you wore last night.” He actually looked apologetic this time as he stood up and went to fetch the tidy pile stacked on a chair. “It’s the best we can do.”
    “That’s great. I appreciate it, actually.”
    He started to leave, and Flynn realized with a panicky sensation that she didn’t want him to go. “What do you actually do for a living?” she asked quickly.
    “I’m an assassin.”
    If Grigori hadn’t been looking her right in the eye, she would have thought he was kidding. “Like a hire-yourself-out-to-anyone assassin?”
    “No. I’m a mafia assassin. I’m specifically employed by the Russian cartels in both Moscow and the US. So I travel quite a bit.”
    “Oh my God.” She began to hyperventilate, even though she’d never done that before.
    “Hey now.” He sat on the bed beside her and gently rubbed her back. “It’s all right. You’re always welcome to travel with me when I go if you wish.”
    “You think...” She sucked in a deep draught of air. “...that’s why I’m freaking out?”
    “If you’re freaking out because I kill people for a living, then I might remind you that you kicked a man in the nuts so hard his grandchildren will probably feel it right before you stomped on his throat and complained that your shoes weren’t heavy enough to crush his windpipe. That’s brutal. At least I shoot people with bullets and make it clean.” He had the audacity to look disgruntled.
    “Yes, but that was a one time thing!” She tried to wrap her mind around this fact. “I married a killer!”
    “A paid one, but yes, I suppose so.”
    “How are you so normal ?”
    He chuckled, his dark eyes sparkling with mirth. “Yesterday you accused me of being a sociopath.”
    “And you very efficiently shot that idea down.” She groaned. “Ugh! I’ll never use that phrase again. What if it’s true ?”
    “Get dressed and come down to breakfast. You’ll feel better after you have some food.”
    “You’re just leaving me alive here with that knowledge? Don’t you have to kill me?” She was really starting to worry now. What had she gotten herself into?
    “If someone asked me what woman I admire most in the world, Flynn Pasternak, I would tell them that I admire you.” He gave her a wink and then left the room. She heard him heading down the stairs with an actual spring in his step.
    ALL THINGS CONSIDERED, Grigori was feeling pretty good this morning. He sat down to breakfast with Anson and Igor and offered them both a pleasant smile.
    Anson eyed him suspiciously. “Where is your bride?”
    “Flynn is still getting ready.” Grigori filled a plate with eggs and toast. Then he took two slices of bacon. He enjoyed American breakfast very much, though sometimes he still longed for the crispy pastry goodness of blini .
    Igor shoved half a plate of eggs into his mouth. “Ivan is still watching outside, boss.”
    “Thank you.” Grigori checked his watch. “I think we will have to keep an eye out for a few hours longer. Or at least until we meet with Flynn’s father and see what his plans are.”
    “You think he will try to take her back?” Anson sounded concerned.
    Grigori leaned back in his chair and gave Anson a long, slow look. “You’re getting awfully possessive of my wife.”
    “I like her.”
    “That’s understandable,” Grigori said. “But keep your hands to yourself.”
    Anson looked at Igor. “I think the boss likes her.”
    “ Da ,” Igor answered back in Russian. “He is becoming overly attached to a woman who was supposed to be a means to an end. That will be awkward.”
    “Plans change,” Grigori murmured.
    “What?” Igor screwed up his face. “Yuri will not like that. Did you talk to him?”
    “Not yet.”
    “And when you do?” Igor prompted. “He will cut off your nuts.”
    Flynn swept into the breakfast room, smelling like flowers and looking as if there had been

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