
Sandstorm by Megan Derr Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Sandstorm by Megan Derr Read Free Book Online
Authors: Megan Derr
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Gay, Fantasy
every day that passed Hashim grew more and more violent. He licked blood from his lips. "They'll carry word back to the rest that crossing us was a mistake. It will carry the message faster than simply leaving the encampment to be found later." He sighed softly, wanting nothing more than to be in bed and blissfully unconscious. "Why did we attack the Cat? We had no quarrel with them." 'Yet' hung unsaid in the air. In the Desert, there was always a 'yet'.
    "They attacked one of our encampments and you have to ask why we annihilated one of theirs?" Hashim's voice was full of contempt.
    Sahayl bit back his frustration. "No one just attacks Ghost, honored father. By the grace of the Lady we are as phantoms in the Desert. How did Cat find us? Why did they attack? We had no quarrel with them, and would have left them in peace had they granted us the same favor."
    "I don't know how they found us, but we'll figure it out. We'll have to change our patters now.
    Head for encampments three and five, spread word of the pattern change. Tell them to shift from Drought to Rainfall. Select two other men to inform two and four. I want word spread and patterns changed by sundown tomorrow."
    "Yes, honored father." Bowing his head, touching two fingers to forehead, mouth and chest, Sahayl raised his left hand, fingers flicking quickly through motions that brought forward three men. Pulling aside as the rest of the tired men rode past, nodding to them in reassurance, thanks, Sahayl then turned to the men he'd pulled away. "Noor, Kahlil," he said to two of his most trusted soldiers. "Our Sheik bids you journey to encampments two and four, inform them we will be switching our patterns. Tell them the Sheik commands we change our pattern from Drought to Rainfall."
    Noor let out a hiss. "We are to move that often?" he exclaimed. "The women and children cannot maintain such a pace."
    "I know," Sahayl said quietly. "I am merely telling you my father's orders." He took a deep breath. "Tell two and four to continue moving according to Drought. We will tell three and five to move to Rainfall at double frequency. That will keep them close enough to two and four to offer additional protection. Keep everyone alert." He hesitated, sharing a quick glance with Wafai, who nodded. "Tell everyone to pay close attention if they're attacked again. Cat had no reason to attack us. Nor should they have been able to find us. Several weeks ago Wafai and I encountered men pretending to be Falcon. I suspect the Cat that attacked six were imposters."
    "These Cat had the paw markings," the man named Kahlil said, his voice rough, as if dry and sore. "On their cheeks and hands just like Cats do."
    "The bodies are all destroyed?"
    "Yes, Amir."
    Sahayl nodded. "A pity. My guess is that a longer look would have revealed a flaw, perhaps in the ink or the details. We will never know."

    "Why did you never mention this before, Amir?" Noor asked. If he had dared pose such a question to the Sheik, he would have been left bruised and bleeding.
    Wafai answered. "We thought it an isolated incident. The men impersonating Falcon were obviously not native to the Desert. We killed them easily. When we brought the matter to the Sheik, he dismissed them as foreigners. Until now, we had no reason to suspect otherwise.
    Even now, I am not certain." He cursed softly and looked at Sahayl. "I wish we had been present when the attack occurred. We might've…"
    "Been able to prevent my father from ordering the slaughter of an entire encampment?"
    Sahayl finished bitterly. "It doesn't matter now. The dunes shift constantly, we can only shift with them. Go to two and four, Wafai and I will travel to three and five. Carry my orders, but inform those who need to know of my father's."
    Noor and Kahlil bowed their heads in a bow. "As you command, Sandstorm Amir. Mind, body, soul."
    "In all find strength," Sahayl said, gesturing. "Go with the wind. Lady guard you."
    "Lady guard you, Sandstorm Amir," Noor said

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