Sasha & Andriena #1 (Lovers & Sinners)

Sasha & Andriena #1 (Lovers & Sinners) by Marita A. Hansen Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Sasha & Andriena #1 (Lovers & Sinners) by Marita A. Hansen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marita A. Hansen
you’d learned your lesson from what I did to you
earlier, but I obviously underestimated how stupid you are.”
    She continued to struggle. “ No, sei tu lo stupido, brutto essere violento di
merda,” she cursed in Italian. “Spero
che ti cada il cazzo e che le palle ti diventino due chicchi d'uva, perché ho
finito di aiutarti!”
    “Say that in English, pussy .”
    “I said that I’m done
with helping you if you don’t let me go!” she lied.
    “Then how come I
heard you say, ‘No, you’re the stupid one, you violent piece of shit. I hope
your dick falls off and your balls swivel to raisins, because I’m done with
helping you.’”
    She froze, not having
realized he spoke Italian.
    He leaned his face
down to hers, his expression cold. “Did I translate everything correctly, stronza ?”
    “I... You weren’t
supposed to understand!”
    “The fact I knew what stronzo meant should’ve alerted you to the possibility.”
    “I know spasibo means
thank you, but I don’t speak Russian,” she spluttered. “And why did you speak
to me in English if you knew my language?”
    “You spoke it to me so
I replied in kind, and you should never let an enemy know everything about you.”
    “I’m not your enemy.”
    “ Da , you are.
Not only that, you need to be punished for insulting me.”
    “No, I don’t!” she
yelled, her panic rising again. “You insult me all the time.”
    “The difference is I
can snap your neck. Have you ever heard what breaking a neck sounds like?”
    She didn’t reply, unable
to, his words petrifying her.
    He placed a hand around
her throat, causing her to inhale sharply. “It sounds like any other break; the
only difference is the person doesn’t scream.”
    She screwed up her
face, praying this wasn’t the end. “Please stop it,” she sobbed out.
    He squeezed her neck.
Her hands went to his, clawing at them, desperately trying to save herself. He
slackened his grip, but didn’t let go, his harsh stare still boring into her.
She started sobbing uncontrollably, unable to handle what he was doing,
everything becoming too much. She was a good person, she didn’t deserve this.
She’d only been helping him, attempting to make things right.
    Still holding her neck,
he let go of her arm and wiped her wet cheeks. She flinched, his gentle touch
unexpected as well as confusing. He was threatening her with one hand, while
trying to calm her down with the other. He was a paradox she couldn’t figure
out, a Janus with two different faces.
    He lowered his head,
until their noses were almost touching. She wanted to look away, but couldn’t,
his intense stare holding her hostage. He wet his lips, looking like he was
going to kiss her, but didn’t make a move to. Instead, he started talking, his
voice sounding as though it was disconnected from his body.
    “Your eyes are so
bright I can almost see your soul shining behind them. That’s why the color
diminishes when someone dies. Their soul leaves their body. Maybe that’s also why
my eyes are so gray. They lack color because I lack a soul.” He let go of her
throat and brushed more tears away. “Despite who your family are, who you are,
I don’t want to see the brightness in your eyes die.” He placed his lips next
to her ear. “So, don’t antagonize me again, because you can only push a
ghoul so far before he drags you down to Hell.” Pushing off her, he shoved her
onto the floor and climbed back onto the bed.
    She jumped to her
feet and rushed over to her corner. Slumping to the floor, she wrapped her arms
around her legs, trembling uncontrollably.
    He grimaced. “That’s
the first wise thing you’ve done—keep your distance from me.” He continued to
look at her, making Andriena duck her head. “You’re weak,” he spat, his voice
full of disdain.
    She wanted to snap back,
but for once kept her mouth shut, her fear overriding everything.
    “I bet you’re
thinking you’re weaker than me because you’re a woman,” he

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