bizarre looks from her co-workers.
One of the chefs walked toward him. “Sir, you cannot be back here.”
Dmitri barely glanced at him before standing in front of her. “You’ve been avoiding me,” he stated simply.
“I told you I never wanted to see you again. And I meant it. Why are you here?”
“Last I checked this was a public restaurant and I could come and go as I please.”
Sasha shook her head at him. “Well that may be, but this kitchen is only for employees so you need to leave before you get me fired.”
As she said that, Sasha caught sight of the diner’s manager step into the kitchen with a hard glare sent her way. Acting quickly, she grabbed Dmitri’s muscular arm and led him out of the kitchen. Without a word spoken between them, they stepped out of the diner and turned to each other.
“You have to leave.”
Dmitri brought up a hand to stroke her cheek but stopped when she flinched away. “I need to talk to you, Sasha. I know this is a bad time so I will come pick you up after your shift. What time do you get off?” His tone brooked no argument.
Wanting to get rid of him before she got into any more trouble she responded, “Fine. I get off at 5.”
Before she could react, Dmitri quickly leaned down and took possession of her lips once more. He couldn’t help himself; his mind was immediately overcome with the memories of their night together. He noticed that she didn’t resist his passion but neither did she actively participate. In response, his lips pried at hers more aggressively trying to coax the same passionate response as the other night.
Sasha tried with all her might not to kiss him back but she eventually gave in with a needy moan. Before they could get completely out of hand, they both heard someone politely clearing their throat. Reluctantly, Dmitri stepped back from her and stood to his full height once more. In their display of passion, his hands had once again found their way to her lower back, the tip of his fingers lightly plying the top crease of her pants.
To save her from any further public indiscretions, Dmitri stepped back and looked over to see the waitress Slade had been flirting with from their lunch together.
Sasha glanced at Dina shyly. Her face heated up in absolute embarrassment. “Hi, Dina.”
Dina smiled mischievously at the two of them. They looked like they had both been caught eating out of the cookie jar. She eyed Dmitri appreciatively; she was happy to see Sasha getting her groove on with such a fine ass man.
“Why, hello there. I came out because Rob was asking for you.”
Sasha felt her heart plummet at Dina’s announcement. Rob was the manager and was known for being a complete dick most of the time. Taking a deep breath, she nodded Dina’s way and then turned back to Dmitri. “I guess I’ll see you later.”
Dmitri licked his lips suggestively and grinned. “’Til then.” He turned and walked away.
When Dmitri was far enough away not to hear, Dina cleared her throat once more and leaned into Sasha. “You should hook that fish immediately, Sasha.”
The young waitress turned to her co-worker, surprised. “What?”
Dina grinned at her. “It’s the way he looks at you. Like you’re the only woman in the world and he can’t stand to take his eyes away. I think you two are beautiful together,” Dina gushed romantically. “Despite the height difference.”
At this, they both laughed.
The rest of her day, even with the disparaging remarks from her boss, passed by quickly because her thoughts were filled with Dmitri and Dina’s comment. She had woken up the morning after her emotional breakdown to find herself in bed. When she asked Teagan what had happened, she found out that Dmitri had stayed with her for most of the night, before finally tucking her in and leaving. Sasha didn’t know what to feel with that tidbit of information. A part of her was shocked he hadn’t dumped her completely and preferred to never see her