When Regan lifted the water, her hand was shaking. She
managed a few sips before setting the glass back down.
Dante watched her fight to steady her breathing and pull
herself together. Whatever was bothering her, it wasn’t just the sudden
information about a so-called mythical beast.
“You’ve heard of the Chupacabra before,” he guessed.
“Of course. I live in San Antonio, so I’ve heard the legend
all my life. But I always thought it was just some crazy myth someone had made
up.” She took a moment for another sip of water. “But…”
“But?” he prompted.
Ignoring his prompt, she scanned the pictures again, this
time taking the time to study each one. “Every single one of those bodies looks
exactly like Reed’s did.”
“I’m still amazed they let you see him.”
Her mouth twisted in a grimace. “They did so only because I
threw such a screaming fit. I also demanded to see the pictures they took at
the scene.”
“They’re pretty gruesome,” he pointed out.
“It’s my brother, damn it.” She slammed her hand on the
table and the water glass jumped. “I wanted to know everything .” She
blinked at the tears gathering in her eyes and tightened her hands into fists.
“But what about Lisa? There’s no trace of her. What happened to her? How did
she just disappear?”
Again Dante chose his words carefully. Explaining the theory
Night Seekers put together was almost too outrageous to accept, but he had to
tell her what they’d surmised. What their findings had led them to believe.
Regan stared at him, clearly appalled. Finally something he
was sure she hadn’t known or expected.
“Are you serious? Combining different DNA? And kidnapping
humans to use theirs? That’s insane. What kind of nut job would do that?” She
blinked back more tears threatening to spill from her eyes. “Do you think that’s
what happened to Lisa?”
“We do. Unfortunately.”
Regan lifted the coffee mug but her hands were shaking so
badly, some of the liquid spilled over the rim.
Dante eased the mug from her fingers and mopped up the
spillage with a napkin. Jesus, just touching her again set off an erotic
explosion in his body. He gritted his teeth, nearly cracking his molars, and
forced the feeling back. “Why don’t you let me get you something?” he asked in
a soft voice. “A glass of wine, maybe. This is a lot to try to absorb.”
“No, I don’t—” She blew out a breath. “All right. Maybe wine
would be good.”
Dante left her in the booth and headed toward the long bar.
“How is she?” Clint asked. “She looks like she’s about to
pass out.”
“Same shocked reaction we all had the first time. I hope a
glass of wine will help settle her and put a little color in her face.” He
paused. “Although…”
“Although what?” Clint prompted.
“There’s something going on here. Something more than the
usual reactions.”
“What do you think it is?”
He shrugged. “Don’t know but I plan to find out.”
Sophia walked over. “Anything I can do to help, Dante?”
Concern was written in her eyes.
“Maybe. We’ll see. Let me get her this wine first.”
“Just remember. We’re all here for each other.” She squeezed
his arm.
The wine put a little color back in Regan’s pale face and
the hand holding the glass was a little steadier.
“Thank you,” she told him with a shaky little laugh.
You’ll need more than that wine when we drop the shifters
on you.
“We all dealt with similar shock when this abomination
invaded our lives. Everyone on the team. But Craig Stafford, the man behind the
team, is investing a lot of money to find out where and how these creatures are
being bred, and why.”
Regan fiddle with the stem of her wineglass. “How do you
handle it? All of you? If each of you has lost someone to this…this…creature,
how do you deal with seeing new bodies over and over again?”
“I promise you, it’s not easy.” He pointed to
Jodi Picoult, Samantha van Leer