Save Aether (The Trinity Key Trilogy Book 3)

Save Aether (The Trinity Key Trilogy Book 3) by L.M. Fry Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Save Aether (The Trinity Key Trilogy Book 3) by L.M. Fry Read Free Book Online
Authors: L.M. Fry
She’d been asleep for hours, and yet she felt like she’d just lain down. She swore she’d just heard her mother’s voice. For a second, she thought her mother had come back for her.
    “Hello? Mom is that you?”
    She waited for a response. The clock ticked. Water rushed through pipes in the walls. Prowling night owls echoed through the halls. Her mother wasn’t there. She lay back down and pulled the covers under her chin. The room felt cold and lonely. Closing her eyes, she tried to find sleep.
    A woman screamed, and Valera’s head erupted in pain. She grabbed her temples and curled into a ball. Behind her eyelids, she saw a woman suspended in air. Metallic snakes wrapped around her and squeezed the life from her. Something moved at the end of Valera’s bed. Her blanket rippled, and she felt the cold, scaly beast wrap itself around her legs. Every muscle in Valera’s body trembled. She slipped free, and threw her legs over the side of her bed. The floor writhed in the darkness, hissing. Hovering above the pit of snakes, a woman reached out to her.
    Daughter, help me. Please. Hurry.
    Valera screamed. The vision disappeared. Her headache ebbed. She threw her blankets back and found the bed empty. The floor was clear. She stood up, but the movement made her queasy. Her legs shook beneath her weight. The image had made her feel as if she’d just run a marathon. Her heart thumped in her chest and her muscles burned, leaving her breathless. She stumbled down the hall to the bathroom. After splashing water on her face, she reached out for the only people who would understand her strange vision.
    Theo, Julia, are you there?   Even in her mind, she sounded breathless.
    I just had the worst nightmare , Theo responded.
    I did too, only I wasn’t sleeping. Valera sucked back the tears in her eyes . It was Danu.
    I have the same dream every night, and they’re getting worse, Julia added.
    Should we tell Dr. Lawless about them? Valera asked.
    Theo sighed . It couldn’t hurt.
    I don’t care one way or the other, Julia said . I’d just like to get a good night’s sleep.
    Valera slunk back to her room. In the back of her mind, she could still see the snakes on her floor. She took a deep breath and hopped across her room, leaping onto her bed.  Pulling the covers over her face, she closed her eyes. Sleep evaded her. All night long the distant cries of Danu haunted her. Even the warmth of aether couldn’t drown out the goddess’ torment. Valera spent the night churning under her blankets.
    The morning came with a knock at her door. An Elder servant brought in a fresh white robe and slippers. Valera groaned and begrudgingly got out of bed. Shortly after dressing, Dr. Lawless appeared.
    “Good morning,” he chirped.
    The man was far too chipper for Valera’s liking. He led her to the ballroom that Theo and Julia had described from the day before. She plopped into the chair and put her forehead on the table.
    “Is everything all right, Valera. You seem fatigued,” he asked.
    She groaned, “Bad dreams.”
    “I see. Could you describe these dreams?” He pulled out a notebook and quill.
    She looked up at him and yawned. “Danu is surrounded by snakes, begging for help. Last night was the worst one yet, though.”
    “She comes to all of you?”
    “Yes, Julia, Theo, and I have the same nightmares. She calls out to us for help, but there’s nothing we can do.”
    His face morphed into a twisted smile that alarmed Valera. He’d always seemed so composed, but the way his teeth gleamed made her think of a wolf baring his fangs. The grin disappeared, and he cleared his throat. Valera wondered if she imagined it all.
    “Interesting, she actually speaks to you.” He scribbled in his book. “We will delve into these dreams another day. Right now, I’d like to see your abilities.”
    Valera shrugged and pulled on aether. Tired as she was, controlling it was difficult. She formed flames on her palms and held

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