Saved by a Rake

Chapter Six
    Rebecca sat rigidly on her chair when Timms entered the drawing room carrying a silver salver with a calling card. Her mother accepted the card and nodded at the butler before fixing her with a stare.
    They had discussed Lord Ramsey at length once they had arrived home from the ball. Her mother was determined to work out why, suddenly, one of the Ton ’s eligible bachelors, who was also known as a bit of a rake, was paying court to her daughter. Did he wish to sully Rebecca’s reputation further? Was he looking for a wife? And why had he danced with her twice?
    “ Perhaps he wanted to dance,” Rebecca had replied simply. She knew she was being obtuse, but it was not that these questions had not occurred to Rebecca herself. However, after the week she had just survived, she was unwilling to look any further than the next hour or so, and she was certainly in no state to make grand plans for the future just yet.
    She was still recovering from her physical injuries , and an evening of dancing had not helped. Her gloves had hidden the fading welt marks on her wrists, but the bruises on her upper thighs were now yellow and, if anything, hurt more than they had the day after Newthorpe had ravished her. She shuddered at the thought of the man who had ruined her, just as the door opened and Lord Ramsey was formally announced.
    They passed a pleasant half hour, drinking tea and discussing the ball the previous evening. She watched him carefully, ready for a leering glance or a salacious roving of his gaze , but he was the perfect gentleman. Sadly, she was less of a lady if her appreciation of his looks in his dark green coat, striped waistcoat, buff pantaloons and riding boots was anything to go by. He was definitely the most handsome gentleman in the Ton , in her opinion. If only he had been on the marriage mart a few months previously.
    But it did not do to dwell o n the things that might have been.
    “ Would I be too optimistic if I were to hope to meet you at Lady Forster’s garden party this afternoon?”
    She looked at her mother , who smiled and nodded. “Not at all, Lord Ramsey. We were planning to attend. I hear that Lady Forster has the most beautiful rose garden in all of London.”
    “ I hear that too. Perhaps we can admire the roses together.” He smiled dazzlingly, and Rebecca’s heart seemed to leap in her chest.
    “ That would be lovely.” The garden would be full of other visitors and so she would be suitably chaperoned at all times.
    “ Excellent. Well, sadly, I must take my leave. I promised to meet your brother for a ride in Hyde Park.”
    They all stood. Lord Ramsey bowed to her mother and then Rebecca , and both women curtseyed in reply.
    Both she and her mother listened to the muffled sounds as Timms retrieved Lord Ramsey ’s possessions and the gentleman took his leave of the house. Her mother hovered near the window, craning her elegant neck to get a further glimpse of him before he rounded the corner and strode off in the direction of the mews to collect his horse.
    “ Well, I do believe that Lord Ramsey has every intention of courting you, Rebecca. I must say that I do not understand his reasons, but I would also point out that you are in no position to turn him down. Of course, eventually he will have to be informed of your loss of innocence.”
    “ Of course.” She sighed as another feeling of sheer injustice washed over her. Why should she be punished for something for which she did not ask? She had not thrown herself at Lord Newthorpe but had trusted him as a gentleman.
    How foolish she had been. Perhaps, because of Lord Ramsey ’s reputation and what had already befallen her, this time, she would be on her guard. Or perhaps, this time, she had found a proper gentleman.
    “So, Ramsey. Out with it.” James Eversley, sat astride his chestnut gelding and looked at his best friend. It was a dry, dull day and Hyde Park was busy with the usual array of

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