Saven Deception
    “I can’t deny that. He’s totally gorgeous,
isn’t he?”
    “Hells, yeah. I’m hoping he has a clone
because I’d so like me a piece of that.” She stares off into space.
     I wonder exactly what’s going through her
mind. I swat her with my pillow and she shrieks. “What was that for?”
    “I was trying to knock those dirty
thoughts out of your head.” She chuckles darkly and I know I’ve hit my mark.
“You know I don’t have any claim on him, and it’s not like he’s into me or
anything, so if you want a piece of that ”—I waggle my fingers in the air—“you
can have at him.” Even as the words leave my mouth, I wish to reclaim them,
though I’ve no idea why.
    “Delusional as well as innocent,” Jenna
    “I am not,” I protest.
    “I saw the way he looked at you. He’s
interested, believe me. I actually can’t believe you’re so inexperienced. If
you lived in my Sector, the guys would be tripping over themselves to date
    Nothing in her look tells me she’s toying
with me. I stare at her as if she has drunk ten beers and can’t see straight.
“Now who’s being delusional?”
    “Sorry, hon, that’s totally your cap.
Please don’t pretend like you don’t know how drop dead gorgeous you are. You’ve
got that whole exotic pale gray shimmery eye thing going on, and the male
preoccupation with blondes is well-renowned. And you’re a teeny, tiny thing.
Guys would kill to wrap you up in cotton wool and indulge their inner
    “I do get asked on dates, but I think it’s
more the ‘freak factor’ than any genuine interest.”
    She props up on her elbows. “What?”
    “I shouldn’t have admitted that. Forget
it.” I fist my hands distractedly in the comforter.
    Jenna stares at me strangely. “Has anyone
told you that you’re a little bit quirky, Sadie?”
    I think that’s her roundabout way of
saying I’m weird.
    “Sure. I’m told that about twenty times a
    She opens her mouth to say something.
    “But I’d rather not talk about that,” I
    Reaching out, she squeezes my hand. “Well,
I think quirky is good. Quirky is great.” She smiles reassuringly at me and my
heart melts.
    It feels insanely good to have a real
friend, someone who actually cares about not hurting my feelings.
    Our conversation dries up as the other
girls arrive back in drips and drabs. We both log onto our digipads and
complete the never-ending medical questionnaire.
    As I sink into the downy mattress, the
crisp, fresh sheets swathe my skin, and I savor the blissful feeling as I fall
into a deep sleep. I don’t stir once during the night.
    Entering the cafeteria the next morning, I trail anxiously
behind Jenna, keeping my eyes welded to the floor. I’m purposely not looking
around in case I see him again. Jenna stares at me quizzically but
mercifully passes no comment. I scarf down my fruit and toast, as if it’s going
out of fashion, and heckle Jenna until she’s finished so fast she’s developed a
bad case of the hiccups.
    We follow the directions on our digipads
to the allocated meeting room. We’ve both been told to report to the same room,
and I’m hoping that means we’ll be assigned to the same unit.
    As I push the door open, the hum of
excited chatter reaches my eardrums. This room is a miniature version of the
amphitheater we were in yesterday. Finding an empty row near the front, we
plonk down into two adjoining seats as a tall man with skin the color of rich
toffee enters from a narrow door at the side.
    He drags a chair to the front of the
podium and sits down, placing his hands on his knees. He surveys the crowd.
Most of the people in the room have yet to notice him, but as his eyes wander
in our direction, he acknowledges us with a subtle nod of his head.
    Gradually, people start to notice him until
everyone has focused their attention and the room is deathly quiet.
    “Good morning,” he says in a strong,
commanding voice. “My

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