hadn’t said the thought out loud. The moment had passed and she was perfectly sated and too tired to even make the effort to talk.
I love you, and your incredible body, to the moon and back.
Chapter 6
Charity knew she was dreaming but it didn’t stop the delusion from continuing. She had just given birth to quintuplets and Dr. Govender stood at the end of the birthing table with a needle as long and thick as an arm sewing her up. He was trying to tell her that there were more fertilized embryos and they would be ready in about two months. She needed to rest in the meantime to prepare to give birth again.
She had no idea if she would sleep again with quintuplets. How could she manage to feed, burp, change their diapers, do laundry, entertain them and still finish her residence? Her father refused to help her, saying he had important manly stuff to do with Elijah, and her mother-in-law came from New Zealand with little birds. She set their nests up in Charity’s house to let hundreds of eggs hatch. She even suggested Charity carry a few to help the birds out. Margaret came into the birthing room carrying eggs and asking Dr. Govender to hold off sewing Charity all the way, she just wanted to add them in too.
Charity woke in a cold sweat. She sat up and pulled the elastic band off her wrist she always kept handy and stuck her damp hair into a pony to keep it off her neck. Dr. Govender had mentioned last time that she might start having some zany dreams and not to worry, it was normal to feel a little anxious.
Little anxious? My ass!
She grabbed a long drink from the water bottle on her nightstand and curved around Elijah’s warm, naked body. She debated about waking him up but decided against it. They both needed whatever sleep they could get, wacky dreams or not.
She went over tomorrow’s procedure in her head and it didn’t take long before she drifted off to sleep again.
Charity stirred when she felt the bed weight shift as Elijah got up. She inhaled and exhaled long and slowly through her nose and then squinted as she glanced at the indiglo from her wristwatch. Five thirty. She rolled over to Elijah’s warm spot and snuggled deeper under the duvet. Five more minutes, that’s all I need. As she drifted off again, she heard Elijah turn the shower on. I’ll get up as soon as he’s done.
It felt like only a second later when Elijah’s warm breath teased her ear. “Hey sexy, did you want me to make you some breakfast before I go?”
She turned her head to kiss his soft lips and sighed. “What time do you have to be in? Maybe we can drive in together.”
“I want to be there before six-thirty.”
Charity rolled onto her back and leaned up on her elbows. “I have to be in for seven. It won’t hurt if I’m a bit early. It’s going to be a crazy, busy day. I have Dr. Govender’s appointment, your mom’s arriving and my dad is planning on coming over for dinner. Maybe we should just do dinner at his place. Order take-out?”
Elijah slapped his forehead. “I completely forgot!”
Charity swung her legs over the side of the bed. “About your mother arriving?”
Elijah rolled his eyes. “She wouldn’t let me forget that. I cleared my afternoon and rotated all my surgeries to the morning so I won’t be late picking her up. I meant I forgot about Dr. Govender’s appointment.”
“You’re going to pick your mother up?”
“Of course.” Elijah stared at her, his eyebrows pressed together as he tilted his head. “Were you planning on it?”
She shook her head. “I wish. We could go together then. But no, my dad offered to pick her up so I sent him all the flight details.”
Elijah shrugged. “That’s even better.”
“Then you can make dinner for tonight if you’re not working.”
He laughed. “Let’s go with take-out. Maybe Thai, again?” He pointed to her tummy. “The peanut seems to like it.”
“So do my hips.” She shook them and pretended to dance like a