Saving Grace

Saving Grace by Michele Paige Holmes Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Saving Grace by Michele Paige Holmes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michele Paige Holmes
Tags: Victorian romance, clean romance
with possibility.
    Grace cleared her throat and began carefully. “As I said before, when word of last night’s events gets out, my reputation will be ruined.”
    “But it won’t,” Miranda protested. “There’s only Mrs. James and the two girls who work here — just them in a place this big — can you imagine?” She shook her head in disbelief. “And I spoke to Mrs. James about it last night. She’s instructed the girls, and Mr. Kingsley will see to speaking to the groomsmen. They’re none of them to say a word about last night — not if they wish to keep their positions. Mrs. James said they already worry over losing their employment, since Lord Sutherland’s been letting the staff go one by one over the past year and a half.”
    Grace reached the window and pushed the tapestry aside. The view was disappointing — only a neglected, overgrown garden below. A thick carpet of several seasons of leaves covered the ground, making any paths or lawn indiscernible. A mangled twist of rose bushes had only a few long-wilted buds amidst an overabundance of thorns. In spite of last night’s rain, everything appeared brown and dull. It was apparent that the gardener had been let go quite some time ago.
    “How terrible to have such a grand estate and be unable to maintain it,” she said, wondering what misfortune had befallen Lord Sutherland.
    “True enough,” Miranda said. “But at least you’ve no need to worry about servants’ tongues flapping about last night.”
    “Oh, but I wish them to.” Grace turned from the window to face Miranda, then rushed forward in her eagerness to explain. “Listen to me, please.”
    The older woman had opened her mouth in protest but closed it now. After a few seconds, Miranda nodded her acquiescence. “As you wish.”
    “We both know my father is bent on marrying me off,” Grace began. “And sooner or later Helen as well. He’ll stop at nothing till he’s seen the deed done and taken what money he can from it. Helen, with her beauty, is in particular danger.”
    A pained look flickered through Miranda’s eyes; Grace knew her maid had come to care for Helen almost as much as she did. Grace reached out, taking Miranda’s hands in hers, imploring her to understand.
    “We both know that Helen is far too shy and delicate to be sold off to some unfeeling male. She wouldn’t fare well.”
    “Which leaves the burden on you,” Miranda said woefully.
    “Unless ...” Grace began. “Unless something so dreadful happened that neither of us could marry.” She hurried on before Miranda could interrupt. “Last night I was found with a man in his bed.” she whispered — it was too horrible to speak about it above that.
    A sort of choked laugh escaped her lips, but lest Miranda think she was losing her mind, Grace brought her hands up quickly to cover her mouth. It was laughable, really. She’d never even been kissed; turning her cheek to avoid Sir Lidgate’s lips did not count.
    And now Father is to hear that I’ve been in a man’s bed. She didn’t relish the fit of temper that bit of news was likely to cause. She’d have to be certain to warn Helen and Christopher. Perhaps she would be fortunate enough that their father would be taken in for his debts before he found out.
    Because if he were able, he would either call on Lord Sutherland or call him out, only to discover that his circumstances were not much improved over their own. She was counting on Lord Sutherland’s lack of wealth to protect them both. Her father would be unable to extract any payment for her disgrace, and he would see no any monetary benefit in forcing a marriage.
    And no one else will be willing to offer for me either. Even Lidgate — with all his talk of my innocence — would not want a bride who has been ruined. I shall be free, and Lord Sutherland will be no worse for it.
    “If your father finds out, there could be a duel,” Miranda warned.
    Grace nodded, already prepared for the argument.

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