Scared Yet?

Scared Yet? by Jaye Ford Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Scared Yet? by Jaye Ford Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jaye Ford
Tags: Fiction
bothered to check out the noise.’
    Rachel nodded like she’d made an interesting point. ‘He used to be a fireman. Did you know that?’
    Liv nodded. ‘Fire Rescue.’
    â€˜He’s a former colleague of mine. He worked out of the fire station next door.’ She cocked her head towards the side wall of the office. ‘He was always good in a tight situation.’
    The detective paused as though she was waiting for an answer. But there’d been no question, so Liv just nodded like that was good information to have.
    Rachel gave it another second then said, ‘Okay, that’s all I need for now.’ She dropped the pen into a holder,closed the file. ‘One other thing, Livia. I want to remind you that your assailant is still at large. My advice to you is to avoid taking any risks.’
    She frowned. ‘You think he could try it again?’
    â€˜Until someone is caught, I think you should consider that a possibility. Avoid walking alone at night and don’t go to unpopulated places on your own. It would be wise to stay away from the car park for a while, too. You should tell your colleagues to do the same. If it’s random, they could also be at risk.’
    As the detective pulled a business card from her desk and wrote on the back, Liv considered the ‘if’. If it was random, he could come back and use the car park as a hunting ground. If it wasn’t . . .
    â€˜Here are my numbers – direct line and mobile.’
    Rachel stood up, signalled for Liv to walk with her. Behind her in the corridor, Liv noted the physique that went with the unflinching attitude. Rachel was at least a head shorter than Liv’s one hundred and eighty centimetres, but what she lacked in size, she made up for in body language. She was built like she played sport hard. Running down a bad guy and wrestling him to the ground didn’t look beyond her.
    â€˜By the way,’ Rachel said over her shoulder, ‘the police media unit has released details of your assault. I’ve already spoken to a reporter from View TV. I don’t know where she got her information but she asked about you and your business partner. I didn’t confirm or deny anything, but I think you should expect a call.’
    Liv took a guess at who it was, waited until they’dstepped into the foyer to ask her question. ‘What do you think about me talking to the media?’
    Rachel pushed hands into the pockets of her trousers. ‘We release information to encourage people to come forward with information. You shouldn’t feel obligated but it might be something to think about. Are you being picked up?’
    â€˜No, I’ll get a cab.’
    â€˜You should call from here.’ She gestured to the officer at the front desk, holding her hand to her head like a phone. ‘I’ll be in touch. Be careful, Livia.’
    It sounded like a warning and it felt loud and clear as Liv waited outside for the taxi. You’re standing in front of a police station in broad daylight, Liv. Is there a safer place?
    Her hand ached and the swelling on her temple seemed huge now, like a wad of cottonwool blocking her peripheral vision. It made her uneasy. She was fit, maybe not like Rachel Quest these days, but she was strong for a woman, tall with good reach – and she was blindsided on the left, weak on her right. Vulnerable on both sides.
    Liv got the cab driver to drop her off across the road from the office like she always did. Cars heading south couldn’t turn right for three blocks then had to negotiate a course of roundabouts to rejoin the road and head north again. She’d always figured the minor hassle of crossing the busy, four-lane road was worth the time and money it saved her in a taxi. But today, with a police warning ringing in her ears, it made her uncomfortable.
    Park Street ran through the suburb of Jamestown like a backbone.

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