Scarlet Vamporium: Vamporium #2

Scarlet Vamporium: Vamporium #2 by Poppet[vampire] Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Scarlet Vamporium: Vamporium #2 by Poppet[vampire] Read Free Book Online
Authors: Poppet[vampire]
Tags: vampire
through the drunken throng I watch Ellindt who is looking more than a tad tense. She's got the body of a fiddle, perfect hips, a tiny waist, just the right amount of buxom under her shirt, and a long graceful neck. Standing in front of her is Heather MacFarlane like a battle axe ready to cleave my lass into quarters.
    Roddie dives between them which has to be the dumbest move my best mate has ever made. Heather has made it no secret that she wants Roddie and now he's gone and thrown Ellindt right intae the frying pan. Roderick MacDonald stands like a wall between them and it irks even me to see him protecting Ellindt as if he's interested in her.
    Speaking in code, I yell as I shoulder my way closer, “MacDonald I want ma dun back, ye pillock!”
    It's a long old story which every highlander knows. The MacLeods built Dunscaith castle, but the darn MacDonalds took it over and it's now owned by their Trust.
    A dun is a castle, and I'm a MacLeod, so without letting Ellindt know what I'm saying, I'm announcing to Heather and Roddie that Ellindt is my dun and I want her back. This time I definitely got her first and there is no way I'm going tae let MacDonald steal this one too. I'm fed up with the MacDonalds taking everything away from my clan. Ye can't have this one Roddie. No bloody way.
    Spying her sister not far off, I snap at her as I grip her arm, hauling her with me to the clash, “Morag control yer sister, go and talk some sense intae that thick heid of hers. If she so much as lays a hand on that lass I'll take her outside and whip her arse, I dinnae care if she's a lass. I'm responsible for the safety of that lady.”
    “Sod off Doug, dinnae drag me intae yer mess. You made it, you fix it,” she slurs, wobbling unsteadily and forcing me to relinquish her arm.
    For crying in a bucket. Annoyed, I start pushing people outtae ma way with violence, advancing fast. I nearly lose my cool when the object of my desire is discussed between Gordon and Ross.
    “I wouldnae mind getting her tae blow ma bagpipe.”
    “I'll take her out back and show her the moves tae The Frisky.”
    “Ha, the broadsword dance more like.”
    Shoving through them, I sneer at Gordon, “I'll show ye a dance, Buailidh mi thu anns a' cheann. ”
    It means 'I will break your head', and it's a sword dance from Skye. I'm ready tae smash both their noses in but the wrath I'm seeing on Heather's face prevents it. A stooshie is imminent, I can see it in Heather's catfight stance. I've got tae get Ellindt outtae here.
    These boys are causing such a scene the entire room is staring at us now.
    Doug's yelling incoherent nonsense our way, Roddie's now behaving like my bodyguard instead of the bouncer who gave me an uphill rev before he'd even let me in the door, and I get the impression this is all because this chick called Heather wants a piece of me.
    Do they think I can't take care of myself?
    Although it's actually rather sweet watching the bulky boys show their mettle, both jumping in to defend the damsel in distress, but I do not need a man to protect me from a woman. If anything they need protection from girls like this, not the other way around.
    Touching Roddie's arm, I push him sideways, forcing him to step aside.
    He gives me a brooding glare, my strength surprising him. It's obvious, I can see it, he wants to question it, but now isn't the time.
    Standing in front of Heather, I scour her body with an icy stare, “Are you lost? Your gene pool is showing itself darling, behaving like a common street fighter is most unbecoming of a lady.”
    “Don't you talk down tae me, ya tart!”
    “Me? I think you're confusing me with Andrea,” I smile coldly. “Although how you can confuse me with her just brings your eyesight into question. You shouldn't drink so much, it's messed with your judgment. It's unattractive, plus it just packs on the pounds and I don't think you need any more help in that department.”
    That launches her

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