Scarred Beginnings

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Book: Scarred Beginnings by Jackie Williams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jackie Williams
Tags: Romance, Thrillers, Military, Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, Thrillers & Suspense
the market by now.” She smiled as a dark haired woman suddenly appeared at the door carrying armfuls of delicious smelling bread. She gave the group a quick wave of the baguettes before she disappeared through a small doorway into the depths of the château.
    Ellen turned back to the group of army friends.
    “I’m going help Geraldine cook breakfast, last one down does the washing up.” She laughed as there was a sudden stampede for the stairs.
    David stood still and hung back for a few seconds staring at the spot where the woman had sashayed away through the door under the stairs, her hips swaying elegantly, her hair wafting about her shoulders in the breeze still floating in from the half open front door. The air had suddenly disappeared from his lungs. He wasn’t sure that he could even move. He’d felt his heart drop to his stomach at his first sight of the dark haired beauty hired to help Adam and for just a single moment he almost wished that he still needed attention himself. His heart thudded hard in his chest but he gave himself a mental shake.
    What the hell was he even thinking ! A woman that beautiful would never glance twice at a man like him. She had to have half the male population of France after her.
    He put her from his mind and hurried up the stairs after his friends, glancing in doors as he searched for his room. Ellen had only managed to find basic furniture at this point but that didn’t bother him or any of them. Adam was the only one who needed special arrangeme nts due to his immobility and he’d probably moan about that. They were all accustomed to sleeping rough but the whole point of their week there was to discover the most suitable equipment and furniture for the future guests needs and Adam could help with that most. Ellen didn’t want to make any mistakes. The hotel for war wounded servicemen and women was taking shape but it was also costing a fortune. His and Ellen’s fortune.
    Her idea was a spectacular and ambitious one and he knew that with his sister’s determination and care it would all work out splendidly but they couldn’t afford to make any expensive mistakes. Even a simple pressure sensitive mattress cost thousands of euros and Ellen didn’t want to stop at simple. She wanted sumptuous, king sized, unadulterated four poster luxury. They had to get it right first time and this week would help them achieve that goal.
    He found a made up room with a fold out bed that exceeded his expectations. He had wondered if they would be sleeping on the floor, but the bed was a decent width with soft pillows and a thick, fluffy duvet.
    He dumped his holdall on the ottoman beneath the window and looked out over the still untidy forecourt. He could see where someone had begun to uncover what remained of a formal garden. Piles of newly raked weeds were dotted around between short clipped hedges. It looked as if it was the shaping of a maze.
    There was a gentle knock at his door and he lifted his head expecting to see Ellen or even Gemma wondering if he needed help but he pulled in a breath as his eyes met the beautiful French woman’s where she stood just outside his door. He lifted his chin and waited for her to avert her gaze from his ruined features but she didn’t turn a hair. She took a step forwards and smiled warmly as she gave a quick glance up and down his body with assessing dark green eyes. Surprisingly she didn’t appear remotely repulsed and her smile never faltered once as she spoke.
    “ ‘ ello. I am Geraldine. Ellen said that you are ‘er brother, David. She ‘as told me so much about you. Enchanté.” Her eyes sparkled up at him. “I want you to know that if you need anything, anything at all you can call me. Monsieur Adam seems able to manage fine right now so I will ‘ave time on my ‘ands. I don’t want to be ‘ere being paid for doing nothing.” Her deep accent washed over him and he had to swallow hard before he could find his own voice.
    “Thank you,

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