Scars (Marked #2.5)

Scars (Marked #2.5) by Lynch Marti, Elena M. Reyes Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Scars (Marked #2.5) by Lynch Marti, Elena M. Reyes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lynch Marti, Elena M. Reyes
pleasure that passed through my lips as the liquid slid down my throat. “Talan loves me, Donald. I know he does.”
    “Just hate seeing you in so much pain…hurt.” With a sad smile, he turned around and walked back toward the front where two ladies were waiting.
    Why does everyone around me insist on the fact that I need help? I’m more than fine—capable of taking care of myself, had always provided for myself without a single goddamned handout from anyone.
    What I needed was to release Talan from Maya’s voodoo-filled clutches. This was for his own good, and he’d thank me one day.
    “What’s got you so lost in thought?”  Brian suddenly said, appearing out of nowhere and snapping me back to the present. When did he get here?
    Narrowing my eyes, I examined him from head to toe. Worthless momma’s boy. “None of your business.”
    “Really?” he mocked with a haughty tone. “Then why involve me in your madness? Why seek me out? I’m not as stupid as you seem to think I am.” No, you’re not. You’re dumber.
    “Aren’t you touchy?” His eyes turned to slits, and his nostrils flared. “Calm down, lover boy. No need to get huffy with me.”
    “Why. Am. I. Here.” Each word held a small edge of malice to it. I’d touched a nerve. He was angry. Good. The more worked up he became; the more pliable he would be to help with the destruction of their blasphemous relationship. “If you harm one hair—”
    What happened to the angry and determined man from our last encounter?
    “Hungry?” I ignored his questions for the time being and pushed half of my uneaten scone toward him. “This place makes the best pastries.”
    “Enough, Janice. Talk, or I walk.” In my hand, I still held the knife I’d used to cut the scone. My fingers tightened around its handle. How easy would it be to jam the serrated edge into his neck and twist it? Blood would spurt from the wound, his face the mirrored image of pure terror.
    People would scream, and I would smile. A thing of beauty.
    “You’re here because we have something in common, Brian. An interest. We both want the people that are hurting us. Belong to us, yet deny what we know to be the truth.”
    “This bullshit is about that cocksucker, isn’t it? Talan isn’t worth shit. Fuck him,” Brian snarled while pointing a finger at me, “and fuck you too. I don’t need this.” After his rant, which bored me to tears, he made a move to stand and leave. Pushing his chair back, it scraped loudly against the old linoleum floor. The couple in the corner looked our way, disdain for our display clear as day on their faces.
    Their annoyance didn’t last long, once I set my own angry eyes on them.
    “Sit the fuck down, Brian,” I hissed low enough so only he heard. “You don’t want to push me…it’s not in your best interest.” Done. I was so fucking done with the games. “I’m trying to help you get your precious Maya to notice you. Don’t make me regret it.”
    Brian raised a defiant brow at me but sat down. “What’s that supposed to mean?” Now I had the idiot’s attention.
    “Means I don’t give a flying fuck about the home-wrecking cunt, but I need her out of my way. If she lives or dies makes no difference to me.”
    Both his palms slammed down against the tabletop.  “Not another fucking word. You don’t touch her. Untouchable,” he spat through clenched teeth while shoving his finger in my face. “Maya gets hurt, and I’ll turn on you so quick.”
    “Is that a threat?” How I held my laughter in, I had no clue. Who was he to make demands? Brian was a nobody, a by-product of his social upbringing. Those that believed they were above others. “That’ll be hard if our plan is to work.”
    “Speak…” he started and suddenly trailed off. The look of worry fell from his face; instead, what graced me was the angry asshole I’d met at Jaime’s club. Waves of resentment and pure hatred hit me then. This would be too easy.
    My eyes

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