Second Chance

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Book: Second Chance by Audra North Read Free Book Online
Authors: Audra North
good oiling, so I don’t think the problem is lubrication, but maybe since it’s a pretty big, thick one—”
    She broke off at the sound of a muffled chuckle.
    “Wha—oh, God,” she groaned, suddenly realizing what she’d been saying about oiling the sheath and lubrication and a big rod and oh dear did she really go on about yanking on it?
    He was pink now with suppressed laughter, but finally calmed down enough to say, “I apologize. At heart, I think I’ll always be a fourteen-year-old boy. But at least I’ve managed to learn a few things about doors and such since I’ve been that age that I might be able to help you out.”
    He stepped forward, coming so close to her that she actually backed up against the door, feeling her heartbeat speed up. She stared at him, transfixed, her lips parting as his body stopped just inches from hers and his head leaned down, down—
    “Um, is it okay with you?”
    “Yes,” she sighed, feeling her shoulders sway forward, moving to meet his, but before she could tip her head back and push up on her toes, he turned away and slid a small flashlight from his jacket pocket, flipping it on with a grin. “Brought it back in with me.”
    Of course. She realized, quite belatedly, that she was still standing in front of the door, blocking him from being able to look at it. He’d been asking her if it was okay for him to get by, not to kiss her.
    Like she’d been daydreaming about earlier. Like she wanted him to.
    She was such an idiot.
    She ducked her head to hide her embarrassment, then moved away so that he could stand directly under the doorframe and shine the light up. “Ah, yes. There it is. The, um, rod is slightly misaligned from the socket. Ahem.” He was clearly stifling a laugh. “Maybe an overzealous kid hit the door too hard, or something.”
    He pushed against it and tried to push the rod up, but it still wouldn’t move. “Damn, this thing is too far out of joint.” Maybe, if I put all my weight into it and you slide it into place, we can get this closed.” He gestured for her to move forward.
    She had to stand right next to him, her arm brushing his hip as he pushed against the wood. Wow, he felt good. And, oh, he smelled good, too. She caught a whiff of a clean, outdoorsy scent coming off of him as he pushed and she was finally able to slide the rod home.
    “Done! I don’t think I’ve ever put this much effort into getting a shaft into a hole,” he said, deadpan, and she couldn’t keep from letting out a loud peal of laughter.
    By the time they had calmed, both their cheeks were pink from laughing. She threw the bolt on the left door and sighed with relief. “That one was much easier, thank God. When I leave later I won’t have to call a passing WWE wrestler to help.”
    “Hey, no. Never. I mean, unless you want to call a wrestler. Otherwise, you know, you can always call me.”
    Collin Morgan. Always coming to her rescue.
    Kiss a man who saves you…
    Now she really wanted to kiss him. But would he welcome it, or be unpleasantly surprised?
    Buzz buzz buzz.
    A loud vibrating noise sounded in the space between them. He gave her an apologetic look and slid his phone from his pocket. She caught a glimpse of the name on the screen. Rebecca.
    Oh thank God she hadn’t done it. Rebecca was probably his girlfriend or maybe even wife, even though he wasn’t wearing a ring. She would have been so ashamed if she’d made a move.
    She stepped away from him just as he rejected the call. Probably didn’t want to have a private conversation with her listening in. She pasted a smile on her face and pointed to her office.
    “Come on. I’ll get you set up with the computer so you can get out of here.”

Chapter Six
    Ten minutes later, Collin emerged from Marnie’s office, feeling like he’d just entered some parallel universe where everything in Wilford operated as though it were still a 1950s small town.
    Marnie arched a brow at him and gave him a

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