Second Guard

Second Guard by J. D. Vaughn Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Second Guard by J. D. Vaughn Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. D. Vaughn
mind and body. You will become
    Several pledges stood up straighter as Jaden spoke, already determined to rise to the challenge, while others leaned forward, eagerly awaiting his next words. “You will be running up and
down hills, and rowing boats until your arms feel they might break from their sockets,” he said, his voice growing loud and forceful. “You will bear heavy burdens until your backs
nearly snap. You will learn to navigate any terrain, in any weather. Today we start here on the shores of the Chibcha. A footrace around the island will show me much. Go!”
    Zarif and Chey seemed shocked by the sudden instruction, but Tali pulled on their arms and they took off down the dirt footpath circling the island. As the rest of the pledges jostled for
position along the narrow path, Chey fell back into an easy pace, letting several people pass by him.
    Tali looked back and raised her hands in question. “Come on, Chey!” she shouted. “Catch up and we’ll show him what our guilds are made of!”
    Chey grinned and shook his head. “You two go on,” he called. “I’ll catch up later.”
    “See you at the finish line!” Tali yelled, then turned back to Zarif, who was now several paces ahead of her. The footpath lit up like a gold necklace as the sun broke free of the
Condor Mountains and cast its sparkling light on land and water. Tali took a deep breath, enjoying the wide open space around her, no port city walls or tradeboat railings to fence her in. She kept
an eye on Zarif and increased her pace, determined to catch up to him. The tall Moon Guilder possessed the boon of a long stride, and the path seemed to fall behind him with ease. Tali worked her
legs harder, closing the distance between them with every persistent step. She wondered how Chey was faring, and whether he remained far behind, but she could not afford to wait for him. She was
there to impress Jaden and earn a place for herself in the Guard. She would not disappoint him in the first challenge.
    As she finally caught up to Zarif, he turned his head to give her a pained smile, wiping at the rivulets of sweat trickling down his smooth face. Tali, too, felt burning hot, and she cursed the
heavy poncho she had been so grateful for only moments earlier. As they circled the second bend around the island, Tali caught a glimpse of Chey and a few other pledges far behind the rest of them:
Earth Guilders all, judging by their simple haircuts. For a brief second Tali felt guilty again, sorry for their lack of preparation, but she quickly pushed the thought away. She should thank Intiq
for her own advantage right now, an advantage she did not intend to lose. As they neared the final stretch, she turned to Zarif with a wicked grin. “Ready to show them who the real warriors
    “Ready,” Zarif agreed, his golden eyes lighting up at the challenge.
    Tali and Zarif pushed ahead, pumping their arms to increase their speed, unable to speak now that they had called forth their final reserves. Tali felt a growing burn under her rib cage and
wished she had put off breakfast until later that morning. Lesson learned. Tomorrow she would start the day with less porridge and leave the poncho behind.
    As they rounded the final bend, they came upon the leading runners, a group of three pledges who looked near exhaustion from the ambitious pace they had set for themselves. Zarif veered into the
dewy grass to run around them while Tali passed them on the lake side, aching to throw herself into the cool water. A wave slid over her right boot, promptly causing it to make a squishing noise
with each step. Tali’s face burned with the effort of the final dash, but she focused on the methodical
squish squish squish
of her boot to distract her from the rest of her
overworked body. Finally, she and Zarif came in sight of the boulder where they had started. They sprinted the last few steps, then fell upon the huge rock, grateful to have reached

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