Stone, as
sister to the deceased, petitioned the court for custody of her
brother’s children.
    Stunned at the magnitude of the lie,
Chastity sat glued to the seat as men she’d never seen before came
and pointed fingers at her, claiming to have purchased sexual
services. One man had worked at the ranch five years ago and
claimed the two of them smoked pot together. Sven’s hand tightened
around hers when Jamison cross-examined the man and left glaring
holes in his testimony.
    Sven slid two papers to Jamison, who read
them twice and smiled. The next witness claimed Mr. Baxter told him
the three children were his. Her attorney cross-examined him
ruthlessly. The man constantly wiped his forehead and upper lip.
Jamison had him twisting in his seat.
    “When did Mr. Baxter tell you he impregnated
his ward?”
    “He said it was right after she turned
eighteen. He’d waited for her to be legal.” The man smirked.
    “Are you sure he told you he made her
pregnant, or did he say they just had sex?”
    “Nope, he made her pregnant. I’m positive.
He had a DNA test and everything.”
    “Did you see the DNA test?”
    “No, no. He was a good friend; I took his
word for it.”
    Jamison walked to the table, picked up the
two sheets of paper, and approached the judge. Maude's attorney
joined them. “Your honor, I have copies of David Baxter’s medical
record. It clearly documents that he had a vasectomy when he was
thirty-five years old. That was before Ms. March was born. Every
five years, as these records show, he went and had things checked. His doctors affirmed his sterility and inability to
impregnate anyone.”
    Chastity’s mouth dropped open, her hand flew
up and covered her surprise. Ohmigod , Mr. Baxter had had
the big V . Sven squeezed her hand as the judge flipped through
the pages. She looked at Jamison.
    “Is the doctor available to verify these
    He turned and looked around the courtroom as
a short, balding man stood up. “He is, Your Honor.”
    Maude’s attorney glanced at the pages and
returned to her seat. The two women conversed as the doctor took
the stand. Chastity watched the women instead of listening to the
testimony. If Mr. Baxter used this guy, then he’d be good. Her
fingers twitched in anticipation of watching the DVD Mr. Baxter had
left for the court. Mr. Jamison said it was bad, which meant it was
good for them.
    The judge released the doctor from the
stand. “It’s apparent Mr. Baxter isn’t the father of Ms. March’s
children. Therefore, you have no rights to them or anything left on
their behalf. As for deciding her fitness as a mother, that has no
bearing in this discussion since the children are not related to
you or Mr. Baxter. Do you have any other witnesses?”
    The two women talked for a moment or two.
The attorney stood up. “Yes, we call Lieutenant Commander Kenton
    Chastity jerked and turned. Kenton sat
frowning at his mother without moving.
    “Is the Lieutenant in the courtroom?”
    “Yes, he is.” Maude turned and pointed at
him. “He’s sitting right there.”
    “Young man, are you Lieutenant Commander
Kenton Stone?”
    He stood. “Yes, ma’am.”
    “You’ve been called as a witness. Please
take the stand.”
    He shook his head as if to clear it and
walked forward. After being sworn in, his face blanked into name,
rank, and serial number mode, Chastity had hated it whenever he
pulled that one with her. Now she was glad he had, since he only
did it when he was pissed.
    Biting her lower lip, Chastity wondered why
they’d called him to the stand. It was obvious this wasn’t planned.
Even wounded soldiers got in the crossfire of greed. After stating
his name for the records, the questioning started.
    “Lt. Cmdr Stone, is Maude Stone your
mother?” Maude's attorney asked.
    “Yes.” Kenton stared straight ahead.
    “Were you aware of this lawsuit?”
    “No? Didn’t your mother tell you she was
planning to sue the

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