much, I get the impression that was kind of a rough time for him. He’s certainly not known for his longevity with the ladies. But rumor has it he’s quite well …” Mercy leaned in closer. “Hung.”
“Given the size of his feet I’m not surprised,” Zel said.
Faith pictured his bare wet feet clinging to a surfboard. Or entwined with hers in his bed overlooking Times Square.
“Plus,” Mercy continued, “he’s supposed to be very good with his hands.”
Faith almost groaned as she thought of those hands again. It was a sad indictment on her love life that they alone were enough to do it for her without even going anywhere near what he was rumored to have inside his pants.
“So, he’s a player.” Dawn looked at Mercy and Zel, her nose wrinkling slightly, looking doubtful suddenly. “That’s probably not a good thing.”
Zel shot Dawn an incredulous look. “Are you crazy? Faith needs to get laid and Raf is…” she held up her hands and ticked each point off, “interested, with a big dick and good with his hands.”
“But what if she ends up wanting more? What if she falls in love with him and he breaks her heart?”
Dear Lord. Faith didn’t even want to go there. Sex was already stretching it. “That won’t happen,” she denied with a conviction that was utterly unshakeable.
Nobody fell instantly in love. Least of all somebody like her with roots and responsibilities. Maybe her parents had back in the twentieth century but not these days.
The whole idea was just preposterous.
Dawn looked at her, gentleness tempering her reproach. “Why not, Faith? You’ve spent years nurturing everyone else, maybe it’s your turn? Don’t shut yourself off from that.”
Faith felt a prickle behind her eyes. She wanted that. Being nurtured, being loved. By a man. The type of love her parents had. Her friends had found. She wanted it to be her turn.
But that would require a commitment and she already had her hands full juggling Pop and the pub. Faith smiled. It was great seeing Dawn so happy with Finn even if it emphasized her own loneliness unbearably. Dawn had distanced herself from Faith at St. J’s after the wine incident and Faith had blamed herself. It was only in recent times that she’d learned Dawn’s distance had been because of her guilt over her secret liaison with Finn.
“That’s really sweet, Dawn, but I just can’t think about it at the moment. Not with trying to keep this place afloat and Pop the way he is.”
Dawn examined Faith critically for long moments before nodding slowly. “Okay fine then, Zel’s right. Just use him for sex. Could be fun I reckon.”
Faith reckoned too. She looked at her friends. Maybe they were right? Maybe it was time to do something about her life instead of sitting around lamenting it? Take some positive action?
She was twenty-seven, still living at home and working the same job she’d had since she left school. Surely she deserved one truly passionate fling? One spine-tingling affair that turned her world upside down and made every day thereafter worth living just so she could get up every morning and relive the experience again.
“I think she likes the idea,” Zel murmured.
Faith came back to herself realizing her friends were all watching and waiting, clearly wanting her to say yes.
She took a deep breath. “I do.”
“Yes,” Dawn said, throwing her arm around Faith’s neck as the others grinned then high-fived each other. “Right, my turn for a round,” she said. “We have much to celebrate.”
Faith laughed, suddenly feeling sixteen again and about to embark on an adventure with her besties. Like they’d been never been parted.
“Here we are,” Dawn said as she set the drinks down ten minutes later.
Business had picked up in Sully’s, the booths were full and the tables were filling as the usual family crowd braved the cold for Sully’s specialty Guinness Pie. Josh, another part-timer, had joined Megan behind the