Seduced By The Lion Alpha

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Book: Seduced By The Lion Alpha by Bonnie Burrows Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bonnie Burrows
shoulders. He pressed a passionate kiss to my mouth, and pressed two fingers inside my womanhood. I gasped at the sudden intrusion and at the quickness of his fingers. They curled and pressed deep inside me, brushing hot spots that sent flashes of white-hot hunger through my body. My toes curled again, my entire body shuddering as he touched me. He pressed in a third finger, and another kiss. And then I was empty, my body quivering with want.
    I stared at him with hooded eyes, and a slow smile split my face. He looked back at me, his own eyes huge and black with lust. I nodded and, without another pause, Leon lined himself up and pushed inside me.
    Leon’s gentleness ended there. He pressed deep inside me, growling around the curve of my neck. His thrusts pushed me hard against the tree and left the bark digging into the soft expanse of my skin. I gasped, head thrown back and neck exposed. My entire body vibrated. Heat pulsed through my veins. It lit my skin on fire over and over, the fire dying with each gust of wind only to be renewed anew when Leon thrust himself deep inside me. My fingers clenched on his shoulders. My nails dug hard into his skin. He growled, and I felt fur bristle along his shoulders. But he did not shift.
    I bucked hard against him. My body screamed for more, but I didn’t know what else I could give it. Leon’s teeth dragged themselves across my exposed throat. He thrust deeper and deeper inside me. My hands scrambled for purchase, my body ached for release. His movements grew faster and more erratic. I screamed, again and again I screamed as he buried himself deep inside me.
    He went faster and faster. My body bucked harder. We scrambled together, struggling to hold ourselves upright. My legs went weak. Stars exploded in my vision. My body, pressed so tightly against his, found its release. I threw back my head and it slammed into the tree. I screamed myself hoarse as lightning coursed through my veins.
    Leon found his own release as the heat overwhelmed me. My toes curled tightly. He pumped his hips over and over, forehead falling to my neck. In just a few seconds, it was over, and we slid to the ground, naked and spent.

    For a few minutes, we were both silent, and we bathed in the afterglow of our coupling. I curled into Leon’s side, content to use his warmth as a shield from the breeze, and he draped an arm around me, his entire body relaxed. I drifted, my entire body relaxed and content with pleasure and warmth.
    “Leon?” I asked after a while.
    He hummed against my throat and his eyes opened slowly. The black was gone, leaving them their usual  brightness, and they twinkled with amusement. “Yes?”
    “Are you all right?”
    And just like that, he laughed. It was a deep, scratchy thing that tickled my own throat and made me want to laugh along with him. He kissed my cheek and nuzzled deeper into my neck before he answered.
    “I’m fine,” he said. “Sometimes during the mating seasons, shifters have… urges.” I raised an eyebrow. This was reminding me far too much of my health classes in high school. “And I often have a hard time controlling them.” He pressed another kiss to my throat, and I winced. He’d found one of the bruises he’d left. “Are you all right?” he echoed.
    “Oh…” I said, rolling closer to him. I grinned. “… I am fantastic. ” He snorted at my exuberant grin, and we both snickered. Our laughter shook us gently, and for a few minutes we did nothing but chuckle quietly into each other.
    “I didn’t hurt you, did I?” I shook my head at his question. “Good.” A pause. With a shy smile, he said, “Thank you.”
    “For what?”
    “For letting me find my release. I was growing irritable, and I worried I was forcing myself on you. But now I’m feeling much, much better.” I nodded and wriggled myself out of his arms. Standing, I set about looking

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