See Jane Love

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Book: See Jane Love by DEBBY CONRAD Read Free Book Online
was much too close, she thought, backing away from him until her butt hit the kitchen table. Just as she was about to go around him, Gabe closed the distance between them, coming to stand directly in front of her. Now, she had no choice but to tilt her head back to see his face more clearly.
    He brought a hand to her hair, toying with the ends. “You know what I think? I think that you’re afraid I’ll be too much man for you.”
    Janie swatted his hand away, then grabbed hold of the front of his white T-shirt to keep her balance. “Stop it.”
    “Stop what? Stop with the truth? Last night, you were all but begging me to take you. Why the sudden change of heart?”
    She tried to move around him, but he stopped her, placing both hands on the table on either side of her hips and pinning her in. Her heart raced, her palms tingled, and she’d never been so confused in all her life. As much as she wanted to slap his face, she wanted to kiss him even more. “You had your chance, and you blew it.”
    “You’re such a cruel woman,” he teased, then a serious expression crossed his face. “Last night, you’d had too much to drink. I didn’t want to take advantage. But now that you’ve nearly fully recovered, I wouldn’t mind another taste of you.”
    His dark, penetrating eyes were sharp and assessing and glowed with a savage inner fire. And no matter how hard she tried to look away, she couldn’t. She wondered what kind of a hangover remedy his lusty kiss would be.
    “Tell me no,” he said, his mouth a fraction from hers. “Tell me this is crazy, that I have no right to kiss you.” His last words were smothered on her lips, his mouth covering hers hungrily. Their tongues met and swirled together in reckless abandon while she swayed against him for support. He tasted like coffee and sweet cream.
    Lifting a hand to her breast, he molded it to his palm. Her nipple firmed instantly under his touch as tiny shock waves zinged through her entire body.
    Raising her arms, she played with the silky strands of hair at his nape, while his free hand roamed intimately over her back and finally settled on her hip. He urged her body closer to his, finding a fit that suited them both. Against his mouth, Janie gasped with pleasure, feeling his erection grow thick and hard against her belly.
    Memories of the previous night entered her mind and brought with them longings. She needed to touch him, needed him to touch her, and she didn’t care if it was crazy. “Gabe,” she whispered, tearing her mouth from his. “You were right. I lied. You’re the right man. I know it. I want to make love with you. I--”
    He backed up, breaking all contact. “Whoa. Slow down a minute,” he said in a raspy breath. Running a hand through his hair, he glanced at her. “Look, I--” But before he could say anything more, a knock sounded at the back door.
    “Saved by the bell,” Janie said, and went to open it.
    * * * * * * * * * *
    A white-haired, elderly woman, as round as she was tall, stood on Janie’s back porch, holding a foil-covered plate.
    “Gertie!” Janie threw her arms around the woman’s shoulders and hugged her. “Is that for me?”
    The woman winked. “Carrot cake with cream cheese frosting. I figured you could use some help in the energy department. Just thinking about all that mind-blowing sex you’re going to be having soon has to have you tired out. I know my heart’s been racing ever since we had that little conversation. In fact, you look a little flushed yourself.”
    “Uh, Gertie . . .” Janie slowly tilted her head in Gabe’s direction, as if the simple movement had caused her pain.
    “Oh, my!” The woman’s cheeks turned a bright shade of pink as she pushed the plate at Janie. “I didn’t realize you’d already found someone. And here I set up a date for you tonight.” Smoothing her white ringlets away from her cheek, she smiled politely at Gabe, then leaned toward Janie and whispered loud enough for

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