Seeding Her Womb: Book 1 (Alien Tentacle Erotica)
she couldn’t even close
her eyes. It was as if she was paralyzed. Fearful for her life she
screamed. It seemed to have come out in slow motion, if at all.
    Not a sound could be heard, it was as if her vocal
cords had been severed. In fact she couldn’t move her mouth if she
wanted to. She realized there was nothing she could do; she was
helpless in the paralyzing light which now saturated there room.
The light became brighter and there was a distinct electrical
buzzing sound that emanated in all directions. Her windows began to
shake as if a sonic boom had rippled through the air, pictures fell
off the walls and her white popcorn ceiling began to shed
particulate and rain down upon her. She didn’t hear Max, she knew
he was a heavy sleeper, but to sleep through this he must have been
    Before she could realize what was going on a bright
light blinded her eyes and she began to feel herself floating above
the bed, she was still immobilized as she attempted to fight the
power of the light. But it was pointless. No matter how hard she
tried she couldn’t move.
    She saw the ceiling turn a translucent opal shade as
if it had developed some kind of transparency and was reflecting
the light she was encapsulated in. The light pulled her up toward
the ceiling, a slow but steadily increasing pace. She wanted to
grimace with apprehension as she approached the ceiling, but as she
breached the point at which she would have made contact with it,
her body simply passed right through without any resistance
whatsoever. Surely this must be a dream, just like
    She was frightened as she felt a growing gap between
her and her bed as she continued to follow the light up and over
her neighborhood. Then she saw it. Out of nowhere a huge metal ship
materialized before her. She had passed through its cloak and into
its safe zone. It was shades of green, blue and grey with lights on
its sides that wrapped around its entire oval circumference. It
looked menacing and dark; almost sad. As she approached the ship
there was a circular orb that was affixed to the bottom. It was
made of pure, soft, white light. She feared she was going to be
incinerated as it become warmer the closer she got. Eventually
though she was bathed in this light. To her surprise it was
comforting, she almost felt peaceful. Her fear had vanished as she
sought to explore this experience, rather than giving into the
    As the brightness of the light faded she realized
that she could now move and that there was some kind of support
beneath her rather than empty space. Her arms and legs were free.
As she moved them she felt some resistance and saw that she was
enclosed in a thick jelly like substance in a small pool built for
at most two average human beings. I must have passed through the
orb and into this pool of thick viscosity jelly. She looked up
and over the edge of the pool to see the insides of a vast and
marvelous space ship.
    It was made of a dark metal that also had the
characteristics of rock, as if it was some new alloy that she had
never seen. She was in was the most high tech room she had ever
laid eyes upon. The ceiling was full of what looked like animated
displays of star maps and navigational symbols. All of the
characters and text on the displays were in a deep blue hue and of
alien origin. They looked more like Egyptian hieroglyphics than
anything else. There were monitors on either side of her which
displayed wavelengths of biometric data which reacted instantly to
any move of her body. Somehow the jelly was interacting with her
    Ava was surprised at the level of calm she felt.
Instead of being frightened she was in awe. She felt like she did
when she had her gallbladder removed, that same opiate high but
without the numbness. She ran her hand over her body to realize
that she was nude, her nipples erect. She wanted to be afraid, she
just couldn’t be, fear became impossible.

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