Seeing Stars: A Loveswept Classic Romance

Seeing Stars: A Loveswept Classic Romance by Fran Baker Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Seeing Stars: A Loveswept Classic Romance by Fran Baker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Fran Baker
wondered if she’d made the right decision. “No wonder she fought you tooth and nail; you threatened her babies.”
    The trout gasped, her gills heaving harshly.
    “Come on, little mother, I’m taking you home.” Nick crouched and swam the trout into the current, wagging her tail back and forth until she’d revived sufficiently to hold her place in his loosely cupped hands.
    Dovie watched from the bank as he retraced the path of their fight in stages, holding the trout behind each rock in turn and letting her adjust to the swifter currents before moving her on.
    When the trout was strong enough to swim, she slapped her tail against Nick’s arm as if to say thank you, then shot out of his hands. Dovie saw her for an instant in that wintry water, a speedy silver-gray missile. And then she was gone.
    He turned toward the bank and grinned. “Oatmeal, anyone?”
    She laughed softly, still pondering the import of what she’d witnessed and its impact on her. “Would you settle for sausage and cornmeal mush?”
    Cocking his head and hooking both thumbs in the waistband of his waders, he pretended to give that serious consideration. “I might.”
    Like metal shavings to a magnet, Dovie’s eyes were drawn to the opaque sunglasses he wore. Shepictured his deep blue eyes, crinkled at the corners in amusement beneath coal black brows, and wished she could see them again. Her voice drifted wistfully across the water. “I’ll even throw in a pot of coffee and let you pour.”
    Nick’s laughter flowed as richly and warmly as the blackstrap molasses she was planning to serve with breakfast. “You drive a hard bargain, lady, but I sure do like your style.”
    She watched him climb the bank, taking it slowly but surely, and wondered if he would kiss her this time. The thought sent chills chasing along her spine and spawned an earthy sensation somewhere below her stomach. Only when he pushed his sunglasses back onto his head did she know for certain that he would.
    His nostrils flaring slightly as he inhaled her heady rose fragrance, Nick homed in on her. Her pulse racing ecstatically at the hard-muscled sight of him, Dovie dropped her fishing rod and moved into his embrace as naturally as if she’d known him for years.
    Yesterday he’d told her she was beautiful; today he showed her how beautiful she really was.
    Holding her as though she were fragile and precious, Nick lowered his face toward hers. His lips trailed fiery paths across her cheeks, her eyelids, her chin, burning away the December chill.
    Dovie trembled feverishly in his arms, but he didn’t rush. He paid homage to each perfect feature,that delicate bone structure; he even took the time to savor the honeyed flavor of her breath.
    Every sense she had woke up and sang. She felt the imprint of his hard body against her softer one. Inhaled deeply of his lime-and-spice soap. Heard him fashion her name in low staccato sounds that echoed her heartbeat. And when his mouth finally met hers, the taste of him went straight to her head.
    Intoxicating he was, like Christmas Day brandy, and she parted her lips to drain the cup.
    Suddenly, so suddenly she almost lost her balance, Nick thrust her from him and turned away. In the sorry shadows cast by the naked trees, his breath tore out in ragged white clouds. “Dammit, Dovie, if I don’t stop now, I won’t be able to.”
    Touching trembling fingers to lips still deliciously damp from him, she swallowed the bitter pill of his rejection and forced herself to speak calmly. “That’s funny; I thought I gave you the green light.”
    His harsh laugh ripped a big hole in her heart. And a bleak wind whistled through the opening when he flipped his sunglasses back in place and turned on her. “In case you haven’t noticed, I’m color-blind!”
    “Well, if you’re looking for sympathy, you can find it in the dictionary.” Dovie’s voice shook dangerously as anger flooded in to fill passion’s void.
    “I’m not.”

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