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I finished my cookies and reached into my pocket, plucking out my phone. In seconds Lee was answering.
“What’s up?” She asked. I could hear the TV in the background, and the sound of her setting a glass of water aside. I knew her house as well as my own, so I could easily picture her curled up on the brown couch in her living room, the low coffee table holding an array of snack items.
“I know you’re going to think I’m crazy,” I started, still staring out the window.
Before I could go on she interrupted. “I know you’re crazy. So spill.”
“I just saw him again.”
“The Hispanic guy—the one who stepped in front of my car this morning at the elementary school.”
“The invisible one?”
“He’s not invisible to me. I came home, got out of the car, and there he was—standing in the middle of the street, staring at me.” I heard the couch wheeze as her weight shifted. “Kate, there was no one there. I would have seen him.”
“I know,” I groaned, finally turning away from the sunlight to fall across my bed, which squeaked in protest. “But something’s going on. And I’m not gonna lie—I’m freaking out.”
“Look, don’t freak out. Do you want to stay over at my house tonight?”
I sighed, and rolled on to my back. “No. He’d probably just find me over there.”
There was a short silence, then Lee spoke softly. “You’re the one with the special vision, Kate. If you say you saw someone, I believe you.”
Her faith meant a lot, but it didn’t erase my unease. “Thanks.
But what if I really am going crazy? Or what if he’s a ghost or something?”
“You don’t believe in ghosts.”
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“I didn’t believe in auras, either.”
“True.” Lee hesitated, then spoke slowly. “Does this guy . . .
have an aura? I mean, can you tell if he’s angry about something, or....?”
I stared at my white ceiling—one of the most colorless places left in my life. “Not a normal one. He’s outlined in silver.” I could hear Lee turn off the TV, and I knew now I had her complete attention. “No colors?” She asked.
“But that’s like. . ”
“Patrick. I know.”
“That doesn’t make sense, though,” she protested. “I mean, I can see Patrick. They aren’t the same.”
“But they both have strange auras—strange auras that match.”
“This is getting kind of weird.”
There was a short silence, then Lee spoke again; more firmly than before. “Have you tried talking to the Hispanic? I mean, can he talk?”
“He looks real, if that’s what you mean. And no, I haven’t had the chance. Jenna was with me in the driveway, and I didn’t want to freak her out.”
“Maybe we should talk to Patrick.”
“And say what?” I exhaled heavily, allowing my frustration to show. “Ask about his aura? See if he knows any invisible people?”
“Maybe we shouldn’t be so pointed. We can treat it more like an undercover mission.”
“You’re serious?”
“Aren’t you?” She asked, sounding almost offended. “You’re my best friend, and you’re being haunted. I think we should take this seriously.”
“Don’t you like Patrick?”
“I still have a hard time believing he could be evil or anything, but if he has the same aura as this invisible guy I think we’d be stupid to not ask questions. Look, my mom’s going to be home 38 K • • •
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soon—I better go. Let me know how your date goes tonight, and call me if you see that guy again.”
“‘Kay. Thanks, Lee.”
“Not a problem. Talk to you later.”
I ended the call but continued to stare up at the ceiling for a long time. I wasn’t thinking of one thing in particular—just my life in general. Then, versus now. Before the accident, my life had been so simple. So normal. I played the piano, I sketched, I read books, and I loved my