Sex & the Single Girl

Sex & the Single Girl by Joanne Rock Read Free Book Online

Book: Sex & the Single Girl by Joanne Rock Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joanne Rock
he’d made a big mistake touching her. Not only did that brief contact fog his brain on the details of an investigation that had seemed so important two seconds ago, but having Brianne in his arms—even just for a moment—also made him start to rationalize ways he could instigate a hot, no-holds-barred encounter with her and still be true to his case.
    An ill-advised thought at best. A surefire road to disaster at worst.
    She remained perfectly motionless, almost as if she was afraid to breathe for fear of touching him any more. “What are you doing?”
    He would take his hands off her any second.
    â€œI’m steering you in the other direction.” And proving to her she wasn’t totally immune to him, maybe.
    Too bad what started out as a bid to save his ego had just bitten him in the ass.
    He no longer had any idea who was proving what to whom. But he knew exactly how much he wanted Brianne right now.
    â€œMy office is this way.” She managed to say the words without moving an inch. “Along with all the surveillance equipment.”
    Aidan needed to explain he wanted a walk-through of the whole property first. In his mind, he told her exactly that.
    In reality, he breathed deep enough to get the full effect of her sex-in-a-bottle perfume.
    In reality, he spread his fingers and thumbs a bit farther apart on her waist to cover a little more territory.
    And in reality, he knew he didn’t stand a chance of letting go without just one taste.
    I F A IDAN HAD TRIED a frontal approach, Brianne would have been prepared.
    She would have fended him off with a few well-chosen words, maybe another decorator crack, and she would have been on her way to her office right now.
    She hadn’t counted on this sneak offensive from behind.
    Funny thing was, now that she stood so close to him, encircled in his arms and surrounded by enough muscle to bench press her several times over, Brianne didn’t feel like fending him off.
    To fight against an attraction that had plagued her since high school seemed foolish. And damn it, she hadn’t spent ten years in New York’s balls-to-the-wall film industry only to run away from a little confrontation.
    She’d take what she wanted from Aidan and move on. Follow the heat right into the fire of the kiss she wanted so badly and then get on with her life. Nothing like tackling your demons to excise them.
    Aidan had started this sultry interlude. But she was going to finish it.
    Right here, right now.
    She didn’t give him a chance to retreat. Turning in his arms, she faced him in the deserted hallway, stared up into eyes she’d seen in more dreams than she could count.
    But instead of allowing Aidan to come to her, as he always had in her overactive imagination, Brianne rose up on her toes to meet his lips with her own.
    Consciously, she choreographed the moves as carefully as if she were behind a camera directing the action. This was not a kiss to indulge in for selfish reasons. This would be a tongue-tangle with a mission. Not only would Brianne demolish her old infatuation with Aidan, she also intended to wipe all memory of Daisy Stephenson from his mind while she was at it.
    Her hands smoothed over his white T-shirt, appreciating the sculpted perfection of his body. Her fingers twined in his hair, tripped along the back of his neck.
    He tasted like toothpaste and Tic Tacs—minty but warm. She anchored herself to him, savoring every inch of his hard masculine planes next to her soft, compliant curves. She couldn’t have molded to him any more perfectly had she been made of Play-Doh.
    It would be a challenge to break away from the heat of his body, the seductive taste of a kiss she had been waiting ten years for. But she had no choice.
    She had to walk away from him.
    And then he touched her.
    Perhaps she’d been so absorbed in playing out their kiss just the right way that she hadn’t noticed he wasn’t

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