James. “Leave, now, and don’t come back.” He pulls on my hand and begins guiding me up the steps.
“Hey, I want to fucking talk to you, Candace. Why are you being like this?” I don’t turn around. We move up the steps quickly and Brisban squeezes my hand. His door is open slightly and he pushes it open further, allowing us to go inside. He closes the door and punches in a code on the security system on the wall.
“Are you okay?” He releases my hand and tilts my chin upward so I’m looking right at him. Tears spill from my eyes and I nod. He pulls me into his chest and envelops me in a hug.
“I’m so embarrassed.”
He pulls back and looks at me with the softest expression I’ve ever seen on his face. “Hey, there’s no reason for you to feel embarrassed. It’s not your fault. He’s the one who should feel embarrassed.”
Leaning in, he kisses me on the forehead and his lips linger for a moment. I inhale deeply and then exhale. He puts an arm around me and guides me into the living room of his place. “Why don’t you let me take your coat for you and I’ll get you a glass of wine. You need a minute to calm down.”
I freeze. My coat. Oh, god.
“Umm, Brisban. My coat…it’s…I’m,” I stammer and nervously try to get through this admission, “I can’t take off my coat.”
He’s confused. “Why not?”
I slap a hand on my forehead and start laughing. I don’t really know what else to do but laugh at the absolute disastrous night this has turned into.
“Why do I get the notion you’re not laughing a happy laugh right now?”
I look up at him and feel the need to dig a hole in the floor and then bury myself in it. “I’m naked, Brisban.” I motion my hands up and down in front of my body. “I’m naked under this coat.”
His brows shoot up and I’m certain Janette has her wish. This night has most definitely become unforgettable rather quickly.
He points his finger at me. “You’re telling me you’re wearing nothing under that?”
I nod; I know my face must be close to the same color of the coat because my skin feels like it’s on fire. He steps in toward me, closing the space between us. He reaches out to the first button of the coat and cuts his eyes to mine. “You came to my place,” he slips the button through the notch and moves to the next one, “in this,” another button is undone and he continues to the next one, “and nothing else?” One by one he unbuttons each one.
“Yes,” I whisper.
His hands slide beneath the heavy, thick fabric on each side and pulls it open, revealing my naked body. His eyes roam over every visible inch of my bare flesh.
“Brisban I…” I start but he stops me, holding a finger to my lips.
“Shh, don’t say anything. Let me look at you.”
His finger moves from my lips down over my chin. Slowly, he traces a line of warmth down my neck to the center of my breasts. There’s a brief pause before he continues down, all the way to my belly button. As he nears the area between my legs, he stops and flattens his whole hand against me, cupping my pussy with it. I suck in a breath and squeeze my eyes shut. His middle finger tests me. “Always,” he pushes it inside me, “so wet for me.” He moves it in and out only once. My eyes flutter open and he brings his finger to his mouth. He sucks my arousal from his finger and our eyes meet.
“Every time I don’t think you could possibly be anymore sexy, you prove me wrong. This,” he waves a hand up and down in front of me, “is the sexiest thing any woman has ever done for me. You’re like a true-to-life erotic dream.”
Janette is never going to stop gloating over this one.
I smile, embarrassed, still in disbelief of the night’s chain of events. “I had planned for us to have dinner first but plans have to change now.”
“I’m sorry.”
He takes me by the hand. “No, absolutely not. Don’t apologize. I want you right now. I can’t wait now that I’ve seen you