Shadow of Doubt

Shadow of Doubt by Melissa Gaye Perez Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Shadow of Doubt by Melissa Gaye Perez Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melissa Gaye Perez
could use a maid myself.”
    Dolly gave him an evil leer.  “I don't like you,” she clearly stated.
    Jordan laughed out loud as he stuck his head through the doorway of the spare bedroom.  “Smart girl.  I don't care much for him myself these days.”
    Martin chuckled at his smart crack.  “Okay, I'm going.  See ya next week big guy.”
    Then he turned to Dolly.  “You too sugar,” and he finally disappeared out the doors.
    Jordan returned to his work desperately trying his best to ignore the fact that Dolly was there, but something smelled just too good.  Meatloaf and potatoes no doubt.  He finally put his tools away and washed up, letting his stomach get the best of him.
    Dolly smiled pleasantly when she saw him nearing the kitchen.
    “Hungry?” she asked.
    “Starved.  Just not used to being pampered like this,” he replied as they sat at the table together again.  Never had his Victoria been able to cook as good as Dolly could.  As a matter of fact...she never cooked at all.
    “It's the least I can do.  After all, you've been so kind to me.  You don't have to be ya know.”
    She thought he looked even better now in his tight jeans but tried not to flirt with him anymore.  She was afraid of becoming a nuisance and having him kick her out.  He didn't seem to enjoy having a woman invade his privacy, but he carried such an air of confidence about him and was so attractive that she flirted almost unconsciously.
    “How long have you lived alone here?” she began to question again.
    “Three years,” he answered without looking at her this time.  “Since my dad died.”
    “What happened to him?”
    Jordan acted as if he didn't want to answer at first, but swallowed his food and finally looked at her.  “Heart attack.  He was only fifty when it happened.”
    Dolly could tell it must have deeply scarred him.  She chose not to go on with the subject, only wished she could remember her own parents and whether or not they were still alive themselves.  Then to her astonishment Jordan went on without further prodding on her part.
    “He's the one that taught me to race,” he added proudly.  “It's all I’ve ever known since I was a little boy.”
    “How do you know Martin?”
    “We grew up together.  He used to race too, but gave it up a while back.”
    He seemed to feel better whenever they talked about his racing career.  Dolly could tell he was happy with it.  More than happy...obsessed.
    “Why'd he quit?” she added curiously.  “Didn't he like it as much as you seem too?”
    “Sure he did, but he couldn't afford it anymore.  Once it gets into your blood though, it's a hard habit to give up.  That's why I made him my racing manager.  So he could at least be around it.  I know how much it means to him.”
    “Very noble of you,” she replied smiling again.
    “Guess so.  He does well though, when I can keep him in line.  He likes women chasing and partying a little bit too much.  I'm sure you've noticed.”
    “I've gotten that impression, yes,” she giggled.  “He makes me a bit nervous though.”
    “You'll get used to him hanging around,” Jordan replied feeling a little shaken as he realized how much he was actually enjoying their chat.  Just as he and Victoria used too, before he found out that all she was after him for was a good time until she found someone better.  Someone who could afford to live the type of lifestyle she dreamed about.  He didn't like the way he kept thinking about Dolly.  He wanted to be more than just a friend to her, but he was afraid.  He didn't want to go through what he had before.
    He knew Dolly seemed different though, but what if her memory came back and she became someone else completely?  What if they became lovers then she suddenly left and never returned?
    Jordan quickly rose from the table and put his plate in the sink trying to hide the fact that he had enjoyed this meal with her very much.
    Dolly cleared the rest of the

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