extremely difficult.
“You are my partner, Brooke. Couldn’t you at least have pretended
some interest and walked to the back of the room like everyone else did?”
“It figures you would be my partner, David. Professor Zorn is a very smart man; he figured there was a reason you
sat as far away from me as possible, and he honed in on it and placed us
together. Unless it escaped your notice, no one in this class is happy about
the partner they were given, including us.”
“Fine. That
realization doesn’t do one darn thing to complete our project. We need to come up with an idea.” David
Worth plunked his butt down in the seat next to hers. “Put that brain of yours into gear and
think of something besides what party you can go to next.”
“I’m not like you, David. I like to be with my friends and have
“You spend too much time with those friends and not enough
time studying.” David was not the
least bit shy in expressing his opinion; he wasn’t shy about it when they were
dating a year ago. He’d given her
an ultimatum then, and she’d told him to fuck off. He’d looked at her for a couple of
minutes, and then he walked away. Now, thanks to this ‘nutty’ Professor, they were right back where they
were a year ago.
“I do not have to answer to you, David Worth.”
“Until this project is done you do. We are going to spend a certain amount
of time each day working together so the end result is cohesive and both of us
are visible when this is finished. I want a good grade in this class, and you are going to do your share to
make it happen.”
“I am not going to spend that much time with you.”
“You will spend just as much time with me as it takes to do
this project. Don’t try to use this
class as a way to get even with me, Brooke. I’ve done a lot of thinking since last
year, and I know now where I went wrong. Push me and you’ll find yourself wishing you hadn’t. Now, enough; we need to use this time to
decide on a project. Do you have
any ideas?”
David sighed. “Is there anything that interests you that we could turn into a
“Brooke, don’t be like this.”
“Why don’t you just do the project and leave me out of it…?” She got to her feet and ran for the
door. This is one Professor who
liked to play mind games and it wasn’t a bit funny. He’d managed to put people together in a
deliberate manner to cause pain, and she didn’t find it funny. She wasn’t going to pretend that
everything was cool with David when it wasn’t. He was one real rude bastard, bossy as
hell, and he hurt her when he dumped her. She wasn’t going to help him pass this course. That was her final word.
David let Brooke go. The last thing he wanted was a public scene with her. He would confront her when no one else
was around. That evening he rang
the doorbell at her house and her father answered. “Hello, Mr. Hart. How are you, sir?” he asked politely.
“I am fine, David. It’s good to see you; come in.”
“Thank you, sir. Is Brooke here?”
“Yes, she is.” The man looked as though he didn’t know whether or not to allow David to
see his daughter.
“We have a problem, Mr. Hart,” David said quietly, and then
told the man about their assignment. “Brooke doesn’t want to work with me, but the Professor hasn’t given us
a choice. I need this credit, and I
am sure she does, too.”
“I do not approve of this assignment, and I think this
Professor is crossing a line by putting students together who have a history,”
John Hart stated. “But, you are
right. Brooke needs this
credit. She doesn’t take her
classes seriously enough; she spends too much time with her friends having a
good time. I’ll back you up,
David,” he said, reaching his decision. He went to the bottom of the steps and called upstairs,