Shielding Lily

Shielding Lily by Alexa Riley Read Free Book Online

Book: Shielding Lily by Alexa Riley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alexa Riley
Something about his overprotectiveness stirs something deep inside me.
    “Say it, babe,” he says, raising an eyebrow.
    “I’ll wait for you.”
    He leans in, placing another quick kiss on me, and I watch him stride from the room, determination in his steps. I sit there still feeling the sweetness of his lips on me long after the teacher starts the lesson.

    I spend the better part of my morning rearranging my schedule in the guidance office. Some might say it’s crazy to move all my classes around so that Lily and I have a mirrored schedule. I don’t care what those people think. I am crazy. Besides, it doesn’t even matter what classes I take. I’ve already gotten into college.
    Our kisses this morning were enough to send me over the edge of sanity and now I’m in full-on insane mode. I never felt like I was living my life before she walked into it, and now suddenly she’s here, and I can’t picture a moment without her. She’s quickly becoming the center of my world, and I’m okay with that. I’ve never been obsessed about anything before. Not winning in football or getting the best grades. Not beating some dumb video game or working on my Jeep. But since my eyes landed on Lily, she’s consumed my every thought. I didn’t see her coming, but I’ve never been happier to have been blindsided.
    “Okay, Ren. You should be all set.” The counselor looks over his notes and back to my schedule. “You’ve more than met all your prerequisites, and your transcripts are well above marks for your scholarship. I see no need to change your schedule this late in the year, but honestly these are all bonus classes for you as they are. Your attendance will still be counted, but I don’t see the teachers here giving you any grief about it.”
    I nod, looking over my new classes for today, and smile. Mythology, civics, lunch, and then art. We both have free periods at the end of every day, so that gives us more time to be together. “Thanks Mr. Green.”
    “No problem. But can I ask why the sudden change?” He watches me as I stand and grab my bag.
    “I’m broadening my horizons.” I don’t wait for more questions as I turn and leave, eager to meet Lily after her first class.
    The bell sounds as I get to the door, and I look in and see her stay in her seat as everyone else stands up and grabs their bags. I walk past the crowd and she spots me, smiling so big I see dimples in her cheeks. It takes my breath away. She’s truly beautiful.
    I grab her bag and take her hand, leading her from the classroom and down the hall. “We’ve got civics before lunch, with art after that.”
    “So you do have the same schedule as me?” Lily beams, and I’m glad I made the change.
    “I only had to shuffle a couple of things around, but this last semester is cake. I’d rather spend the time with you.”
    Her cheeks redden and she ducks her chin. “That’s really sweet of you. Thanks.”
    “Don’t thank me.” I squeeze her hand and she looks over at me. “Just don’t try and get away.” I wink at her and she elbows me. It’s playful and fun, and I can’t remember the last time someone made me feel special. I’m warm and gooey inside, and I feel like one of those cartoons with the heart eyes. God, I must look like a fool following her around like a puppy dog. But I’d rather be her puppy than nothing at all. If being by her side as a loyal partner is a crime, then lock me up.
    We sit beside each other in civics, and I find a few chances to reach out and touch her. Something about making sure she’s real. When I touch her, she smiles at me and lights up. It’s like she’s never been touched before, and she leans into it, craving the attention. When class is over, we walk hand in hand to lunch, and much like the day before she sits while I bring back trays of food. Only this time we aren’t interrupted and we get to finish a brownie together.
    “You like sweets?” she asks me, and I smile back.

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