Shifting Shadows (Sparks Collide Trilogy)

Shifting Shadows (Sparks Collide Trilogy) by Amanda Kelly Read Free Book Online

Book: Shifting Shadows (Sparks Collide Trilogy) by Amanda Kelly Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda Kelly
slide him a disapproving look but the mayor continued.
“It was lovely meeting you, Miss Franklin. I have some business to discuss with
my brother here. If there’s anything you need in Brisdale, don’t hesitate to
ask me.”
    “Thank you, Mayor Dellarson.”
    Doc looked to his watch, “Kira, I’ve
kept you here too long already. Have a great weekend and I’ll see you Monday.”
    “See you then.” I grabbed my purse and
headed for the parking lot. When I turned back I spied set, angry faces and
tense postures through the window. A feeling of gratefulness washed over me
that I was going to meet everyone at the pub later tonight instead of meeting
here as usual. Well everyone except Christina, who had a date with Xander
tonight. I drove home to get ready for the evening and tried not to ponder too
much on what wasn’t my business.

    I was on my way to the pub when my
phone rang. I looked down to see “Mom” flashing on the screen. “Hey” I said
into the cell.
    “Kira, is that you?” Her panicked voice
shot into my ear.
    “Of course, who else would it be? I-”
    She cut me off “You’re ok? You’re all
    “What? I’m fine what’s going on?”
    “I…I had a vision. You need to come
    And there it was. The part of my life
that I wanted to forget existed, at least the scary parts of it. “Mom, hold on.
Take a breath. I’m fine. I’m not going to come home.”
    “Kira, you don’t understand…”
    “Then explain it to me.” “I saw you
being attacked with dark shadowed creatures surrounding you, you were
    I almost dropped the phone but got a
hold on it. “Mom, it’s going to be all right. You’re visions aren’t exactly
accurate. They’ve been proven wrong in the past.” I shook slightly but
continued “I can’t stop my life because of dark shadows.”
    “Sweetheart, my visions have also been
very right at times. Do you really think your life is so insignificant that you
can risk it so unnecessarily? We know there are people after you, after us.
That’s a fact.”
    I took a deep breath and focused on
driving as I mentally told myself to stay calm. I needed to keep my mom calm
too. “As long as we live and no matter where we live, we’ll be hunted. I’m not
going to live in fear. I take every precaution. I have wards all over me and my
apartment. Every piece of hair or nail that leaves my body at any time is
spelled to be destroyed. I have a thousand escape plans and make up more ten
more everywhere I go. I’m smart, Mom. Nobody knows I’m a witch.
    I don’t think my life is insignificant.
I’m here because I want to have a life. We’ve been over this so many
times. I can’t run away every time there’s a possibility I could get hurt or
    There was a beat of silence on the
other end.
    “Then why am I having visions that it’s
not going to be ok, Kira?”
    I pulled into a spot in front of the
pub and sat in the parked car. A million things were running through my mind
but they were mostly fear based thoughts and I forcefully pushed them back.
“You’re the one always telling me that the future can change, that there’s
nothing definitive about it. I’ll be on extra alert, I promise… and I’ll call
you everyday.”
    “I don’t like this, honey.”
    I began to rub at the bridge of my
nose, between my eyes. “I’m not too fond of it myself but I’m not giving up my
freedom, I can’t.” Suddenly a thought occurred to me. “Have you told Dad yet?”
    “No, I called you first. I had to know
you were all right.”
    “I understand but please consider not
telling him. He’ll only freak out and I am not going to be convinced to come
back so it won’t do anything but cause a fight. Please, Mom.”
    “That’s not fair to ask of me.” “I
know.” My head fell against the steering wheel, my hair falling around me like
a rag doll. “Mom, tell me as much as you can about the vision. I’ll avoid
everything to do with

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