Shifting Shadows (Sparks Collide Trilogy)

Shifting Shadows (Sparks Collide Trilogy) by Amanda Kelly Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Shifting Shadows (Sparks Collide Trilogy) by Amanda Kelly Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda Kelly
    No answer.
    “Mom, did I…did I die?”
    “No” a shallow breath. “Not that I saw.
All I can remember is glass everywhere, dark shadowed creatures and you in the
middle of it all. It wasn’t right and the intent to kill was in that room.
That’s all I saw.” She began to sob.
    “Mom, it’s going to be ok, I’m going to
be fine. You’ll see. You know me. I never go down without a fight. I’m way too
    I heard her snort through the phone. I
took it as a good sign.
    “You take care of yourself and Dad. Ok?
I doubt middle of nowhere Brisdale , Florida is the supernatural hotspot that you
    Her voice wavered but she had stopped
crying “That’s true but remember, witch hunts can happen anywhere, anytime.”
    “Right, even when the witches are doing
the hunting and being hunted.”
    “That’s why you need to stay safe. I’ll
talk to you tomorrow. I’ll do my best to keep your father calm.”
    “Love you, Mom.”
    “Love you too.”
    I hung up and it took me a while to get
the strength to get up and walk into the pub. I looked down at my phone and
noticed I was still early so I headed to the bar to wait for everyone else. I
happened to glance around and to my surprise, Jay was already there. He was
sitting in the far corner covered in the shadows of the waning daylight,
holding a drink and staring off into space.
    “Hey” I said but he barely moved to
nod. I sat next to him and watched him slowly move his drink hand up to his
mouth, pause there then bring it back down. He smelled of alcohol and I
wondered how long he’d been there. “How’s it going?”
    He grunted.
    “That good, huh? Me too.”
    He focused on my face and I spoke
clearly. “I don’t want you to take this the wrong way but you look like how I’d
imagine I look right now.”
    His voice came out gruffly as he said,
“Well then your day must be as fantastic as mine.” He seemed to remember what
he had been trying to do and managed to actually sip the dark liquid this time.
    “If you mean totally effed up, then
yeah. I’ll take emotionally drained robots for 500, Alex.”
    He laughed darkly. It wasn’t a pleasant
sound. It was a little twisted and scratched at my ears but it was infectious
and somehow, I laughed too.
    My laugh didn’t sound any better than
    “So what’s going on?” I inquired.
    He fiddled with the glass. “Family
stuff. You?”
    It made sense considering the way his
father was acting with Doc. “Same, actually…kind of.”
    He nodded and we sat in silence.
    Fear crept into my thoughts turning my
world black as night. Key phrases like “the intent to kill was there,” “dark
shadows,” and “you were in the middle of it” bounced around my skull. I could
feel my freedom being sucked away from me with each breath. I shot up out of my
chair. “Change of plans. Finish your drink so we can go.”
    Jay responded flatly, “Go where
    “I’m not sure but we’ll know it when we
see it.”
    He looked at his glass and back to me.
“Why bother?”
    I looked him the eye, seeing pain there
and forcing myself not to flinch from it. “Because pity parties suck” I started
walking toward the exit and over my shoulder asked “You coming?”
    He downed the rest of his drink and followed
me out the door.

    We got in her parked car and she
fiddled with her smart phone, looking for places to go. She wouldn’t let me
look over her shoulder to figure out where she would take us so I set my sights
on the radio. My phone buzzed again for the millionth time. I ignored it. Music
was desperately needed.
    “Ah hah” She said and I turned to see
her smiling at the phone. She placed it down and a woman’s monotone voice came
through the speakers “Route set. Turn left at 21 st terrace.” She
reversed out of the spot and followed the directions.
    “I’ll call everyone when we get there
so they know where to go.”
    “Ok.” I answered and found us a

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