Shoot for the Moon (Black River Pack Book 2)

Shoot for the Moon (Black River Pack Book 2) by Rochelle Paige Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Shoot for the Moon (Black River Pack Book 2) by Rochelle Paige Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rochelle Paige
Tags: General Fiction
I was also jealous. Not only had he mated, marked, and claimed her, he was now marrying her as well. She would never have any reason to be uncertain about her importance in his life—like the kind of doubts my damn dreams had given me and were still giving me.
    Some of what I was feeling must have shown in my expression, because Grace paused in lowering the veil over her face and motioned me closer. Then she held her hands out to me when I was standing in front of her.
    “You can have this, too. You know that right?”
    I shook my head sadly. “I don’t know. My future with Spencer isn’t as certain as yours with Hunter.”
    She sighed in exasperation. “From what Hunter’s told me, it doesn’t work like that. Yeah, sure. I’ll admit that relationships are work, even for fated mates. But I haven’t heard of a single mated couple who didn’t stand the test of time. Why would it be any different for you?”
    “But my dreams—” I protested.
    “Aren’t always true, Eliza,” she said, finishing my statement differently than I had planned. “Have you ever stopped to consider that maybe you’re turning them into a self-fulfilling prophecy by keeping Spencer at arm’s length? That, if you make him wait long enough, he will eventually become angry and bitter and turn away from you?”
    I hadn’t ever thought about it that way. Was it possible? Spencer had done everything in his power over the last six months to show me he wasn’t going anywhere. He hadn’t run when he hadn’t known what was stopping me from accepting his mark, and he hadn’t balked when I’d told him about my dreams of him.
    “So I’m guessing by the look on your face you hadn’t ever considered it?” Grace asked me, pulling me out of my thoughts.
    “Not until just now. No,” I admitted.
    Her eyes lit with joy. “Then my job here is done! Let’s go get me married to that gorgeous man of mine.”
    I was dazed as Parker came for Grace so he could walk her down the aisle. He gave me a strange look, and Grace just shook her head as a warning to leave me alone for now. Once she was ready to go, Parker offered me his other arm and walked us both to the sliding glass door off the kitchen.
    When the music changed, I stepped outside and my eyes immediately locked with Spencer’s. My step almost faltered when I saw his love for me shining bright for everyone to see. Then I made my way down the aisle to stand under the arch on the bride’s side, waiting for Grace to join me.
    I knew I should have been watching her as she walked towards us, but my gaze kept straying to Spencer. And each time I did, I found his eyes on me. I couldn’t help but think that, if I let go of my fears, this could be us. We could be the couple everyone else looked at with tears in their eyes because of how perfect we were together. We could be fully mated with a claiming this next full moon if I truly believed that Spencer loved me with all of his heart and would never willingly leave me until his death.
    And then Grace reached us and Parker took her hand and placed it in Hunter’s, giving away the bride to his brother. I saw Hunter lean down to kiss Grace’s cheek, and then his head jerked up so he could look into her eyes. When Grace whispered to him, his eyes widened before he turned his head to look back at Parker. Then as he swiveled back to his bride, his eyes locked with mine for a brief moment.
    I couldn’t help the grin that spread across my face at the vision of the two of them under the arch of flowers as our alpha learned he would be a father. It was exactly as I had dreamed it two nights ago.
    As I stood beside Grace and Hunter while they exchanged their vows, I finally accepted the possibility that Grace was right. That I was the one causing the harm in our relationship by holding on to my dreams. Her words had given me a speck of hope—one I clung to all night long as we celebrated Hunter and Grace’s marriage.
    I noticed Spencer shooting me

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