Short Soup

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Book: Short Soup by Coleen Kwan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Coleen Kwan
Now there were bamboo floors, concealed lighting, simple Chinese scrolls in alcoves, and modern wooden tables and chairs.
    Dion walked out of the crowd towards them, grinning a welcome. Toni hung back as her parents moved forward to greet him. Suddenly she felt gauche and out of place. Her parents fussed over Dion as if they hadn’t seen him for years before moving on to join the crowd. The smile faded a little from his lips as she approached him.
    “Hi.” She glanced at him uncertainly. In a pristine white chef’s jacket and black trousers he looked crisp, professional and unfamiliar. “Um, everything set for tonight?”
    “It’s panic stations out the back, but don’t tell anyone.” Despite his words, he seemed his usual unflappable self. He took his time studying her. “You look nice.”
    Her heart leaped. Her nervous fingers flicked over the mauve cocktail dress with lace overlay she wore. “Oh, this old thing.” The instant the words left her mouth she regretted them. How affected she sounded. Especially when she’d spent such an age on her appearance this evening, laboriously applying every cosmetic she possessed before washing most of it off. It seemed important she look her best tonight, but at the same time she didn’t want to appear like she was trying too hard.
    “Well, you look good anyway.” He eyed her some more. “What did you get up to today?”
    His friendly tone eased some of her fluster. It seemed Dion wanted to ignore what had happened last night, and that was fine by her. “This morning my mum showed me how to make wontons, and this afternoon I visited Becky.” She paused, growing warm as she recalled Becky’s comments about Dion and her making a great couple. “She and Rob are regulars here, apparently, and she can’t wait to try out your new menu.”
    “I hope she won’t be too disappointed. I figure I’m going to get a few complaints because I’m not serving up Aussie-Chinese food any more, but there were some things on the menu that just had to go.”
    Toni glanced over at her parents who were chatting with Dion’s parents. “Do any of them know what’s on the menu?”
    “Nah. Why give them more worries?” Grinning, he folded his arms across his chest.
    She found herself smiling back. “My dad can’t stop fidgeting, and my mum’s on antacids.”
    “And you? Do you also think I’m going to make a complete balls-up and ruin all their years of hard work?”
    “No! You’re going to be a great success. And I’m sure your menu will be a hit.”
    “Huh.” His eyes glimmered. “Glad to know I can still count on you.”
    The sparkle in his eyes made the butterflies in her swirl about. She opened her mouth to tell him he could always count on her, but before she could get a syllable out a tall, slinky brunette sauntered over and draped her hand on Dion’s shoulder.
    “Hey darl,” she drawled. “Sorry to interrupt but should I be showing people to their tables?” Bright blue eyes outlined in blue eyeliner flashed in Toni’s direction. “Hi, I’m Melissa, by the way.”
    “This is Toni Lau,” Dion introduced them. He added to Toni, “Melissa’s acting front of house manager for me tonight. I’ll have too much to do in the kitchen.”
    “You won’t have to worry about a thing.” Melissa turned to Toni. “I’m a manager at the Piper Bay Resort. I couldn’t say no to Dion when he asked me to help out tonight.”
    A tingling sensation prickled in Toni’s belly. Why hadn’t Dion asked her to help? She quickly squashed her sulky inner voice. He’d been planning this event for months, and she’d only arrived at short notice. Besides, she knew nothing about being a restaurant manager. She was just being silly. And a bit jealous.
    Dion smiled at Melissa. “Thanks again. You’re a lifesaver.”
    “Oh, you know I can’t refuse you, darl.” Melissa’s crimson lips puckered up suggestively.
    Toni compressed her lips. Okay, she was more than just a bit

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