Signs from Heaven

Signs from Heaven by Phaedra M. Weldon Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Signs from Heaven by Phaedra M. Weldon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Phaedra M. Weldon
make it up as we go along. We don’t have a cartographer, so pay attention. Keep your tricorders on record to remember which way you turned. I’ve already downloaded what maps we have made during the Edison ’s stay here into your tricorders and padds. Other than the engine room, Captain Gold and I have a strong suspicion what we’re looking for is in the vault where Alverson was attacked.”
    Everyone nodded. Fabian especially. That was a good location to avoid.
    Scott turned to Gomez. Even though Scotty was the ranking officer here, Gomez was in charge of the S.C.E. team, and he deferred to her for command of the mission.
    â€œI’ll take Bart, Carol, and Vanov to the vault. According to the reports, more Disruptor traps have been found and dismantled, but we’ll be on the lookout for more. Tev, Pattie, Fabian, and Sarj will go with Captain Scott to engineering. Domenica, I’ll let you split your people as you see fit.”
    Corsi moved to stand in front of the group. “Lauoc and Krotine go with Captain Scott’s group. Vinx, Konya, you’re with me and Commander Gomez.”
    The security people took their places.
    Gomez said, “Soloman’s standing by on the da Vinci waiting for a signal if we find any computer systems or something remotely resembling one, and Laura has locks on all our combadges in case of trouble.”
    Scotty rubbed his hands together. “Like Vanov said about the heated walls and floor, the lights will come on—if they’re still active—in whatever section you move into.”
    Gomez nodded. “Let’s make regular check-ins. Okay, head out.”
    Fabian closed his eyes. The whispering noise was a little stronger now, and a slight twinge of pain behind his eyes took his attention away. He felt a presence beside him and opened his eyes to see Corsi standing there, as well as Sarjenka.
    â€œYou okay?” the security chief asked. Concern showed behind her beautiful eyes. “Or are you feeling guilty for whatever it was you did to Sonya?”
    Fabian slumped his shoulders and lowered his head. “Okay. Yes. It’s guilt. I made her laugh.” He reached out and took her jacket in his hands. “Please…forgive me!”
    Gomez cleared her throat from across the room. Their party was gathered at the main entrance waiting on Corsi. Scotty waited a few feet beyond them for Fabian and Sarjenka.
    Fabian put a hand on Corsi’s shoulder. “I’m fine—and I haven’t done anything asinine to Commander Gomez.”
    She didn’t say anything, but turned and walked away.
    â€œI didn’t do anything…”

    â€œW ell.” Bart looked up at the fourteen-foot door. It was a nice door. All big and huge and impressive. Dark wood, buffed and polished. No oil residue. No sign of age either—none that he could see. Or any tell-tale evidence of weathering.
    But then again, they were several floors below what Carol referred to as “cloud level.” They’d huddled down a series of streets lined by what Bart could only call brownstones of a sort—the kind he remembered seeing on Earth, in Manhattan. These were nicer—not made of brick, but what looked like shining marble. Very impressive.
    The path Alverson and company had taken led them to a large house down a one-way street. Bart hadn’t seen any sort of vehicles—not even a bus. How had these people gotten from place to place? Walked?
    Either way, it was hard to believe they were actually on a platform in the air. Except for the wind—how had they dealt with all this wind?
    The street ended at an impressive-looking building. All squared with no windows. Not a single one, which differed somehow from the other buildings they’d passed. Even the shops had open fronts.
    This thing looked sealed up tight.
    Vanov understood the opening mechanism for the front and opened it, though Corsi had insisted on

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