Silent Star

Silent Star by Tracie Peterson Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Silent Star by Tracie Peterson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tracie Peterson
iron kettle. “I’ll need to add more water to this before we can see Andy.”
    “Here, let me help. I can get the water while you get out of your coat and overshoes.”
    Estella nodded and allowed him to take over the duties. She had just come back from hanging up her coat when Pastor Bailey completed filling the kettle. “Is there anything else I can do before we see Andy?”
    “No, but when we’re done, if you like, you could fetch me more coal. I would imagine there’s a bin in the basement.”
    The young minister pushed back an errant lock of hair and nodded. “I’d be pleased to do just that.”
    They made their way to Andy’s room. Estella was disturbed to see that the boy hadn’t so much as changed position from when she’d left him.
    “Andy,” she called softly and put her hand to his forehead. “He’s running a high fever. I’ll have to work to get that downas soon as possible. Help me pull off this heavy quilt. He’s just baking himself under all these covers.”
    Andy opened his eyes but said nothing. He didn’t seem to even see Estella or the pastor.
    “Poor boy was delivering telegrams in the snow yesterday. In fact, he’s been out in the weather every day and probably has not bothered even once to take precautions to keep from getting sick.”
    “I’m sure you’re right. When you’re young, you scarcely think of sickness and death.” He paused and shook his head. “Well, at least that was true before the war. Now I’d imagine most every young person thinks of it. Why don’t we pray.”
    Estella reached for the man’s hand and then for Andy’s. “I think that would be just the thing.”
    That afternoon, Estella made the decision to return to her house and gather a few things in order to spend the night at Andy’s. His breathing was still labored, and she was concerned that he would need to see a doctor if the fever didn’t pass soon.
    Leaving Andy in a deep sleep, she trudged the several blocks to her home with her heart quite heavy. Oh, Lord, give Andy the will to live. Help him to see his importance in this world. Let him know that at least one person here loves and cares for him.
    She prayed for Pastor Bailey too. She knew the man needed God’s strength in order to take on the burden thrust upon the shoulders of this community. “It can’t be easy to preach encouragement and hope when things seem so far from good.”
    “Mrs. Nelson!” Timmy called, waving from his front porch stoop. “Can we come over now?”
    Estella groaned. She’d totally forgotten about the boys. “Timmy, I tell you what, let me come over there. I have something to take care of and I can’t stay long.”
    She saw the boy’s crestfallen expression. “I’ll bring you both an extra piece of cake to make up for it.”
    He perked up at this. “Okay. I’ll tell my mama you’re coming over.”
    Estella hurried into her house and took up a small suitcase. Throwing in her nightclothes and personal items, she continued to pray.
    “Lord, I want your will in all of this, but if it matters, my will is that Andy recover and learn to be happy again. You and I often see things the same way, so I’m praying that this is one of those times.”
    With her packing complete, Estella took up the remaining cake, grabbed a copy of A Christmas Carol, and headed next door. Timmy was waiting for her.
    “Ma says you’re to ’scuse the mess.”
    Estella laughed. “Your mama doesn’t need to worry about such things.” Just then the boy’s mother appeared.
    “Oh, Mrs. Nelson, Timmy said you were bringing cake over. You sure didn’t need to do that.”
    “Now, now, Lois, I made the cake and surely can’t eat the entire thing. I want you all to have it. I’ve saved a couple of pieces for another friend.” She handed the dish over. “I also wanted to let you know that I’ll be gone tonight—maybe a couple of nights. I’m going to tend a sick friend.” She looked down at Timmy and Jimmy. “Boys,

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