Silver Mortal (The Gracen Chronicles)

Silver Mortal (The Gracen Chronicles) by Jenna Kay Read Free Book Online

Book: Silver Mortal (The Gracen Chronicles) by Jenna Kay Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jenna Kay
him being there because your daughter showed up on radar, and he knew my name . Like he already knew of my existence. And you talked to him like you had some history, and for some reason he's clearly adamant about me joining the demon side.”
    She sucks in a breath and lets it out slowly, an uneasy feeling skittering off of her. “Zavebe is a Fallen Angel, part of the rebel angels that fell from Heaven. He's a liar, a deceiver, and brings devastation and turmoil into the lives of both Touched and Untouched humans. They'll say anything to sway your thinking.”
    I groan in frustration. “Mom, you're just spouted out textbook mumbo-jumbo! I already know that story! What I want to know is how this Zavebe knows me and why he wants me so much?”
    “Can it wait until later?” she quickly says, her eyes strictly on the road, and I know right then and there that I'm not going to get any answers.
    “Fine,” I huff, crossing my arms. The rest of the ride is a silent one.
    I know she's keeping things from me, thinking that I'm too young to understand what's happening in the world of darkness. But tonight is different. Meeting Zavebe has opened up a whole new world in my supernatural eyes, and the conversation the two of them had shared left me with unanswered questions.
    Why didn't Mom just answer my straight forward questions? What kind of history did the two of them have? And why is he so interested in me? I've been living this life for three years, almost four, and still have more questions than answers.
    Life has a way of taking you down paths that you never see coming, and meeting people you never thought existed. Sometimes you do things out of love, sometimes you do things out of hate, and both can leave you feeling misguided.
    My life was about to take a strange turn down a wayward path, and there was absolutely nothing I could do to stop it.

    Silver Mortal
    chapter 4
    I wake up screaming, my heart pounding furiously and throbbing in my throat. My body is bathed in sweat, the wetness seeping through my shorts and shirt. Fear, confusion, and pain has my bones in a firm grip. All the images come flooding back, and now I understand why I'm soaked in sweat and out of breath. My body shudders and suddenly I'm freezing. I pull the blanket all the way up to my chin and close my eyes, willing the images to disappear, only they become more vivid behind my closed lids.
    A knock sounds on my door. The door opens and in walks my mom.
    “Gracen, what's wrong?” she inquires, sitting next to me on the bed. Pushing strands of wet hair off my face and behind my ear she adds, “Your scream shook the whole building.” I open my eyes and look at her.
    “Sorry about that—had a bad dream,” I answer her, rubbing sleep from my eyes. “I'm fine now. You can go back to sleep.”
    “Now you know I can't do that, hon. So go ahead and tell me what has you screaming yourself awake.” She leans back on the pillow beside me. The dark bags under her eyes tell me that she's in need of a good sleep, and her normally spiky hair is flattened on one side of her head.
    I blow out a sigh and give in, knowing she won't leave until she hears my dream. That's another awesome gift from the Silver Eagle (awesome really meaning awful ). We can sense when someone is hurting or distressed. Also our dreams can help us in the future. Sometimes we dream about things to come, whether it's a happy dream or disturbing dream, though my dreams usually stay more on the line of heavily demented.
    “Okay, well,” I begin, gathering my thoughts, “it's basically the same dream I always have. There's that white-haired man who's ordering beings around, both demons and humans. I think he's a Night Viper...wait, I know he's a Night Viper, and some of the humans are as well, but many are Untouched humans.
    “I'm in some kind of dungeon or underground cave, the walls are covered with rocks and lit up with torches and huge

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