Silver Rain

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Book: Silver Rain by Lois Peterson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lois Peterson
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there, and there will be one less mouth to feed here for a while. Meanwhile, she can lend a hand to someone in need. Your uncle? Well, that one’s another story. But he’s got to bring some money into this house if he’s to stay.”
    Elsie felt so tired. How could she ever get everyone to stay in one place long enough to be a complete family again? Just for the moment, sitting in Nan’s lap was the best place to be in the world. She closed her eyes and followed the feel of her grandmother’s hands as they stroked her hair and ran down her back. “The time will go quickly,” Nan was saying. “Your mother will come home as soon as her friend is better. And we can hope that Daniel does nothing rash this time. A bit of farm work might do the man good.” Just as Elsie thought she could fall asleep in her soft lap, Nan pushed her away. “No moping, now. You and I will be good company for each other. And this beast…” She gave Dog Bob a shove. “He’s on my feet. Never mind my rheumatism. Come on, it’s time you were in bed.” Nan heaved herself up with a sigh and disappeared through the curtain into the living room before Elsie could say anything.
    She changed into her pajamas very slowly and climbed under the covers. She needed to go to the outhouse. But she’d rather wet the bed than face Mother again.

    A few days later, Elsie and Ruth Cohen linked arms all the way home, chanting “Easy Ivy Over.”
    Maybe Ruth could be her best friend now that she and Scoop were on the outs. He’d trailed behind for a while, then cut up an alley when Elsie didn’t answer after he’d called to them for the third time.
    She was still mad at him for being such a bad loser and being so rude about the collage. It didn’t look like a dog’s breakfast; it was bright and colorful, hanging on the wall at the back of the classroom, behind the old cast-iron stove.
    Ruth went home in a sulk after Elsie won three rounds of five stones. Maybe she was not best-friend material, thought Elsie as she sat on the cold sidewalk playing cat’s cradle with some leftover yarn Nan had given her. Dog Bob lay on the grass beside her, chewing the hair between his pads, making disgusting wet sounds and growling at himself.
    Elsie looked up when she heard whistling behind her. Scoop skidded to a halt beside her. “What’s happenin’?” He plopped down and folded his skinny legs under him. “You got over the hump?”
    â€œYou got mad first,” she said. “Sulking! Just like crybaby Ruth Cohen.”
    â€œDid not!”
    â€œDid so!”
    Scoop grinned. “I’ll quit if you’ll quit.” He held his curled hand toward Elsie, his little finger sticking out. She looked at it for a moment, then linked fingers with him. They shook.
    â€œEnough is enough,” said Elsie.
    â€œEnough is enough,” echoed Scoop. He thwacked her on the back, which she knew boys did instead of hugging.
    It felt good to be friends again. Elsie picked up the five stones from the gutter. “Wanna play?”
    Scoop brushed the stones from her open hand. “Dumb girls’ stuff. I’ve got better things to do.” He scratched the top of his head so his hair stuck up like a rooster’s comb.
    â€œI wish I did,” said Elsie. “Nan wants me to stay close by until supper.” She nodded toward the garage. “She’s spring cleaning. She’s always cleaning or doing wash. It wears me out.” She shuddered. “Anyway, I’m not going inside until Mother and Uncle Dannell come home. I just decided.”
    â€œNow who’s got the hump? What about your supper? Hey. Did you get a letter yet?”
    Elsie shook her head. Still no news from her father. And Mother hadn’t yet written to let them know she’d arrived safely in New Westminster, or to say when she might be

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