Silver Spoon

Silver Spoon by Cheyenne Meadows Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Silver Spoon by Cheyenne Meadows Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cheyenne Meadows
Tags: contemporary adventure erotic romance
wonderful. Thank you." She leaned in to kiss Spoon, a chaste meeting of lips before she pulled back. "Do you want to come in? I can fix you something to eat."
    The dog whined, looking up at Spoon with a pleading expression.
    "Oh, I bet he needs to go outside."
    "Probably. I just picked him up from the vet and have no clue the last time he went."
    Riley dashed inside, then returned a second later, to shut and lock her door. "There's a nearby walking trail. We can use it. They have a little doggie poop station with bags and a place to throw away the waste."
    He arched his eyebrow at the idea, but dutifully followed along. Another part of pet ownership he never considered. Waste removal.
    Soon, they found the spot Riley spoke of, gathered a couple of bags, and let the dog lead the way with his nose to the ground, obviously tracking other dogs while searching for the perfect spot to do his duty. Large shade trees cast shadows across the trail intermixed with bright morning sunlight in the more open areas. Benches dotted the walkway, situated under larger trees in order to offer a cool resting area for those who wanted to linger a bit longer or simply sit and watch others while lazily soaking in the great outdoors. The area encouraged one and all to slow down, step back from the rat race, and take the time to notice nature's beauty while getting a bit of exercise at the same time.
    "How was your business trip?" She walked beside him, easily keeping up despite his and the dog's long strides.
    "Successful." He didn't want to spend his time reflecting on the mission. Once completed, he preferred to push all those memories to the back and seal them in. If he dwelled too much on the violent nature of his Wind Warrior position, it would begin to eat on him, and consequently, he could lose his edge. That would lead to mistakes, which more than likely would result in death. With definite plans for the future and a potential relationship with Riley, he had every reason to stick around for the next five or six decades at least.
    His cell phone rang. Pulling it from the holder, he checked the caller ID. "Damn him." Punching the silence button, he quickly replaced the device.
    Riley looked up at him in bewilderment. "Damn who?"
    He sighed, debating about revealing something so personal about himself at this stage in their relationship. To date, the only ones who knew of his family situation were the other Wind Warriors.
    Noting the concern in her emerald eyes, he began to explain. "My father."
    "You mentioned him briefly before with a definite negative cast," she pointed out.
    "Yeah. He's a perfectionist and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't do anything to please him."
    The canine found a tree and hiked his leg. Both he and Riley paused to give him time to empty his bladder.
    "Sounds like a tough childhood." She returned to the topic at hand.
    Spoon shrugged.
    "I take it he calls you often now. Why are you avoiding him?"
    He blew out a breath. "He works in the diamond industry. With a limited amount of newly mined gems being found, he's throwing all his substantial money and power to garner the lion's share of what's available."
    The dog finished and they began walking once more.
    "I don't understand what that has to do with you."
    "He wants me to come to work for him as a go-between with the mine owners. Butter them up, offer them deals, do anything within my power to ensure they will give him first choice of their goods."
    "And you don't want to?"
    "Not in the least. I have no interest in the diamond industry or in gems in general. I love what I do now and intend to do that job until I retire."
    "Have you told him that?"
    "I try, but he doesn't listen. I figure I'm going to have to suck it up, drive down there one day, and tell him face to face. My kid brother has always wanted to work in the company. He just finished his MBA, yet my father refuses to hire him, telling him that I'm the only one he wants doing the job. No matter what

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