Simple Ride (Hellions Ride Book 6)
with questions
while my cheek stings from her slap.
    Did she really think I was offering to
pay her for sex? Is her idea of the man I am that
    Asshole, most definitely, but scum who
pays for sex, I am not.
    I would never think of her like that.
The club doesn’t pay barflies for sexual services. No woman has to
do anything she doesn’t want to. They are given a place to hang
out, plenty of booze to drink. We help them with jobs, help them
have a place to stay, and when they want to, they are around to
fuck whichever available Hellion they choose. The only rule is
don’t mess with the Hellions who have ol’ ladies. The barflies stay
clean, and we help them out. They can leave at any time.
    I clutch my chest. She’s going to
leave. I feel it. Dammit, I am fucking this up at every
    “ Boomer,” Shooter calls
out, and I realize I am still standing in the same spot,
dumbfounded. As I turn to him, he studies me. “You feel
    I raise an eyebrow at him in
    “ The pull? The drive? The
need? The fire? She yours?” His last question hits me square in the
    “ Abso-fuckin-lutely.” I
feel every bit of it. For the first time since my momma died, I
    Absently, I rub my chest. I fucking
feel it. Pamela better look out because I’m coming for her, and I
expect answers.
    He smiles. “Then we need to follow
your woman, not stand here.”
    I’ve spent too many years riding
around aimlessly. I’ve spent too much time trying to outrun the
past instead of looking toward the future. Pamela is the only
person in all this time to give me a reason to think about anything
    The things I have seen, the things I
have done, they don’t hold me back when she’s around. I get tunnel
vision. I get lost in her. She has this softness to her, this look
in her eyes that tells of a woman who has been through hell and
fought her way out. I know that look. I see it in the mirror every
damn day. Only, I can’t find my way out without her.
    Kids? Does she really have
    “ Need intel before we chase
her. She’s running scared. Just need to figure out if it’s from me
or someone else.”
    “ I’ll make the call,”
Shooter says, reaching for his phone.
    Going to the bar, I slide in front of
Corinne, and she gives me a half smile.
    I fucked her a few times before
Pamela. She’s a hellcat in bed. She goes wild, but she gets lost
somewhere in her mind, and it becomes as much a release for her as
me. The connection just doesn’t happen.
    She has secrets, too. They all do.
Keri was right about that. Only, their secrets don’t bother me.
Pamela’s do.
    Could she have a husband? In all this
time we have shared together, I know she is the kind of woman you
bring home to your mom. She knows how to be a lady on your arm and
the mistress in your sheets. I have a hard time believing my Purple
Pussy Pamela would make a lifelong commitment and not stand by
pussy … The words come back to my
    I have spent countless hours with my
face between those thighs, my lips on those lips, and my tongue
diving deep into her core. Each of those orange polka dots is over
raised flesh—marked flesh.
    Marked pussy.
    Bile builds up in my throat, but I
swallow it down. He marked her lips. Did he do the tattoo? Or is
that her way of hiding him?
    Although Corinne sets a beer in front
of me, I can’t bring myself to touch it.
    “ What did she want?” I ask,
trying to stop my stomach from churning.
    “ She needed to use my
    “ I need your phone then and
the last call you made.”
    She shakes her head yet moves for me
to know she is giving in. I follow her back to the office where she
hands me the device. It is still mildly wet, probably from the
tears Pamela was fighting to push back.
    Who did she call? Why was she
    I go through the call log … Last call,
Devlin. I look at the time. Three hours ago.
    Not her call.
    In frustration, I throw the phone. It
hits the back wall, and Corinne

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