Skin Walkers: Leto

Skin Walkers: Leto by Susan Bliler Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Skin Walkers: Leto by Susan Bliler Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Bliler
Leto’s found us.”
    Shy turned to stare out the back window.  “He’s not there, we still have time.  Just go damn it!”
    Aries shook her head and pointed upward, “He’s above us.  The only reason he hasn’t tried to stop us is because Conn’s afraid his attempt would cause me to crash and Conn would never allow any harm to come to me.”
    “No !  No, no, no, what do we do?”  Shy was frantic now.
    Aries stared at the other woman as the car slowed further.  “We can’t out run him Shy.  We’re nearly out of gas.  He’ll just stay overhead until the car dies.  It’s best we sort this out now with Conn close.”
    Shy’s eyes were wide with terror, “Aries?  You won’t let him hurt me will you?”
    Aries shook her head, “He won’t hurt you again.”
    The setting sun cast a blood red hue to the wintry Montana Sky.  It was rare to see the sun in the winter months and its uncommon appearance cast a foreboding chill to the early morning as the jeep crawled to a halt.

Chapter 9
    “What should I do?” Shy asked in sheer panic.
    Aries slammed the gear into park leaving the keys in the ignition as she barked, “Stay in the jeep and lock the doors.”  She pulled the pistol from the holster at her hip as she jumped out of the jeep and slammed the door behind her.
    Shy watched as Aries had her pistol trained on some unforeseen obj ect circling the sky overhead. Shy shuddered and crushed herself into the seat as Leto dropped to the asphalt.  She watched as he shifted from a massive bald eagle.  Impossibly long feathers receded to smooth muscular flesh to form a kneeling man.  Shy’s eyes bulged in disbelief. 
    When Leto stood his clothes regenerated, wrapping around his corded limbs and torso to form jeans, hiking boots, and a tight black t-shirt.  Despite the weather, he generated no coat or jacket.  It was what he’d been wearing the day Shy had first seen him strapped to the table at the Megalya facility. 
    When Leto looked up, his brown eyes smoldered with rage as his eyes locked on Shy.  Aries stood between Leto and the jeep with her pistol aimed at the Walker’s chest. 
    Leto completely ignored Aries and any threat she posed as he growled at Shy, “Get out of the car.”
    Shy felt her breath catch as terror shot through her.   She pulled her eyes from Leto to reach hastily across the driver’s seat quickly locking the door before reclaiming her seat and locking the door at her side as well.
    Leto’s smile didn’t reach his eyes.  “Do you honestly think that’s going to stop me Shy?”  He took a step closer.
    Aries pulled the slide on her handgun, chambering a bullet.  “Back off Leto!”
    His eyes reluctantly slid from Shy to frown at Aries.  “ Thi s doesn’t concern you.”
    “You’re not going to touch her.”  Aries took a step closer, which garnered all of Leto’s attention. 
    “Fine.  I’ll deal with you first then her.”
    Neither Walker seemed to notice the blacked-out four-wheel drive truck that screeched to a halt behind the jeep Aries had commandeered
    Shy watched in relief as four men quickly exited the vehicl e.  All wore the same winter-camo fatigues that Aries donned.
    “Do not threaten my angel Leto!”  Conn’s pistol was trained on the larger Walker.
    Leto turned to Conn and dipped his head dangerously, “Do you really want to interfere in this?”
    Conn didn’t have to motion to his team.  Lok, James, and Shane silently circled Leto until he was centered between the group of mercenaries. 
    Leto turned to sneer at the other Walkers .  He knew what they were doing. 
    Conn holstered his pistol and held his hands up in a gesture of surrender, “We’re not trying to keep her from you Leto.”
    “ That is exactly what you’re doing!”
    Conn inched closer to Aries, “We’re concerned about you.  You’ve only just been released.  We all know how difficult the captivity must have been.”
    Leto tilted his head, watching Conn with

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