
Slammer by Allan Guthrie Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Slammer by Allan Guthrie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Allan Guthrie
He had to act.
    One step across the corridor, kick the door open, step into the room.
    Do it.
    Just the two men, thank Christ. The girl was spread-eagled on the bed.
    'Get off her,' Glass said to Jocky, gun arm stretched out, shaking. Felt like he might drop the weapon. Didn't trust his grip. He'd seen cops on TV. They used two hands. He did the same, his left hand supporting his right. Felt better.
    'What the fuck is this?' the other guy said. He was standing up, naked, making no attempt at modesty.
    Jocky's hips only stopped thrusting now. He raised himself and turned his head to the side. He had a moustache, thick and brown. Looked like a walrus. He said, 'Who are you?'
    Glass licked his upper lip. Tasted salt. 'Get off her,' he said again.
    'Christ's sake,' Jocky said. 'Are you for real?'
    Glass stepped closer. Thrust his arm out. 'Last chance.'
    When he'd stepped into the room he hadn't had any idea if he'd be able to pull the trigger if called upon. Now he knew. He couldn't. No way he could take a human life, no matter how despicable that human was. He just wasn't a killer.
    Luckily, Jocky didn't call his bluff. 'Okay,' he said, and moved backwards, slowly, palms raised. Slid away from Glass, off the girl.
    Glass caught a flash of her breasts, small and flattened, nipples puffy and wet. He tore his eyes away, watched Jocky, still hard, back off the bed. A big guy. Ridiculously big.
    'Take off the gag,' Glass told him and wiped his forehead. It was hot in here. Stank of sweat and seafood. He kept his eyes off the girl. Away from her body.
    Jocky bent over, muttered something to the girl and untied the gag.
    The girl shook her head hard, spat. 'The fuck's going on?' she said to Glass. 'You can't just fucking waltz in here like you own the place, shithead.'
    'I …' Glass said, staring at her breasts.
    'Untie me so I can shove that gun up your fucking arse.'
    This was hardly the reaction Glass had expected. She didn't seem upset. Well, she was upset. But with Glass, not with the guys who'd been raping her. And she didn't appear to be hurt.
    Something was wrong here.
    He didn't get it. It was as if he'd walked into another world, one where nothing made sense.
    She didn't sound like she'd been crying, but he could see from her face that she had been. Those were tear streaks. Weren't they? Yeah. Well, what else could they be? Trickles of sweat?
    'Thank God, Will,' the girl said.
    Glass felt a tap on his shoulder and turned to see Mad Will right behind him.
    'You said you were leaving,' Mad Will said.
    'I thought …' Glass said. 'I thought she was …' And then he saw the tripod in the corner of the room, the camera perched on top. Oh, shit.
    He'd stepped onto the set of a porno shoot.
    He lowered his arm. 'I'm sorry,' he said. 'I'm really sorry.'
    Jocky said, 'Can we use this?'
    'Dunno,' the other guy said. 'I doubt it.'
    'Fuck you,' the girl shouted at Glass. 'Now I have to do all that again.' She swivelled on the bed, arms still stretched behind her, and swung her foot at him. She missed by a distance. 'You think I like this? You want to get fucked for a living?'
    Glass stepped back. He had no answer for her.
    Mad Will said, 'You're lucky she's still tied up. Cause even with the gun, I wouldn't fancy your chances.'
    'I'm sorry,' Glass said again. 'I'm really—'
    'Yeah, yeah,' the girl said. 'Twat.'
    'You better go,' Mad Will said. 'I'll see you out.'
    The girl calls him a twat and Mad Will says, 'You better give me that.' He looks at the gun in Glass's hand.
    Glass says, 'I paid for it.'
    'Here,' Mad Will says, sticking his hand into his pocket, pulling out a wad of notes. 'A full refund.'
    'But I need it,' Glass says. 'You can't take it back.'
    'Give,' Mad Will says.
    Glass looks around, at the girl, at her breasts, at the two naked men, back at Mad Will. 'No,' he says.
    Mad Will says, 'I asked nicely once. I won't ask nicely twice.' He raises his eyebrows.
    Glass doesn't know what to do.

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