Slander: Liberal Lies About the American Right

Slander: Liberal Lies About the American Right by Ann Coulter Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Slander: Liberal Lies About the American Right by Ann Coulter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ann Coulter
Tags: Political Science, Political Process, Political Parties
more power. Though endlessly celebrated in sensational news reports, the random “Nazi” or Klan member is rare and comically unthreatening. Nazism is simply not a burgeoning phenomenon in America just now. Klan marches bring out more protesters than Klan members.
    But there are a lot of liberals. They are painfully self-righteous, they have fantastic hatreds, and they could not see the other fellow’s position if you prodded them with white-hot pokers. They are United States senators, New York Times editors, news anchors, and TV personalities.
    And they are completely unhinged.
    the Gucci position on domestic policy
    Liberals thrive on the attractions of snobbery. Only when you appreciate the powerful driving force of snobbery in the liberals’ worldview do all their preposterous counterintuitive arguments make sense. They promote immoral destructive behavior because they are snobs, they embrace criminals because they are snobs, they oppose tax cuts because they are snobs, they adore the environment because they are snobs. Every pernicious idea to come down the pike is instantly embraced by liberals to prove how powerful they are. Liberals hate society and want to bring it down to reinforce their sense of invincibility. Secure in the knowledge that their beachfront haciendas will still be standing when the smoke clears, they giddily fiddle with the little people’s rules and morals.
    While the rich are insulated by their wealth from the societal disintegration they promote, the rest of us are protected from these Dionysian revolutionaries and their pet intellectual disenchantment only by our abiding belief in God. That’s why religious people drive liberals nuts. Bourgeois morality allows people to have happy lives without fantastic wealth.
    In the sixties, affluent, pampered liberals capitulated to the groovy countercultural mores of their college-age children, embracing free love and rampant drug use. It was all harmless fun. They knew the kids would eventually come home and go to law school. Poor blacks moving up to northern cities to start their lives were not so secure.
    Neurotically promoting the idea of women in the military, liberals lightly instruct soldiers to learn to repress their sexuality. That’s a brilliant liberal idea for better living: Train men to stop looking at women sexually. The left’s ideal world is G.I. Jane showering while she chats with her Navy SEAL commander who registers no response at the sight of a naked woman. Liberals seek to destroy sexual differentiation in order to destroy morality. The Vagina Monologues is the apotheosis of the left’s desire to treat women’s sexuality like some bovine utilitarian device, stripped of any mystery or eroticism.
    Another way liberals think women should be like men is in the relentless pursuit of casual sex. Of all the fictional devices used by Hollywood, the rampant promiscuity of beautiful women is the most ludicrous. But apart from the History Channel and C-SPAN, pretty much all they’re doing on the lowbrow channels is fornicating. Casts of entire shows ought to have the clap by now. The real-life consequences of Hollywood behavior rarely figure into the plot lines. There’s a lot of meaningless sex—but not so many abortions, venereal diseases, and bitter divorces. There are, however, many happy stories of beautiful, wealthy women having children out of wedlock. Despite overwhelming evidence of the incredible destructiveness of illegitimacy on every possible axis—crime, poverty, social pathology, welfare dependency, education—liberals will not relent in their glamorization of single motherhood. From Murphy Brown to NBC’s Friends, having children out of wedlock is absurdly portrayed as the considered choice of many sophisticated women. In real life, about the only accomplished attractive women who raise illegitimate children are Hollywood actresses. They can afford it. On the basis of liberal squawking about

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