with a very obvious look of hunger.
“Lucilla, you’ll need to put your legs in the stirrups now,” the Captain continued.
“What? Why can’t I w ait? If I do that now, you’ll…” her voice trailed off quietly when she realized that there was no point. She would have to do what they asked of her.
While still carefully holding the two front folds of her robe together, Lucilla placed her leg in the stirrups. As soon as her feet were in, the second guard immediately slid the stirrups apart, thereby spreading her legs completely open. Lucilla screamed.
“Corporal, stand down!!”
The Corporal stood at attention and responded, “I’m sorry, Captain, but you know that the Emperor requires that the women are at ready once he enters the room, sir.”
The Captain eyed him coldly and then looked at Lucilla. Her eyes were closed. At this point, her robe was completely open from the waist down. She was completely bare and open for all to see. The Corporal was now openly staring at her and it was clear that he was getting hard just looking at her. The Captain remained quiet and looked forward at the door expectantly, while Lucilla kept her eyes closed.
Less than a minute had passed before Lucilla heard the door open abruptly. She heard the Captain and Corporal come to attention.
“Hail! Caesar!”
Lucilla opened her eyes immediately and looked up towards the door. She saw a balding overweight man walk into the room towards her. He absently waved at the soldiers and they immediately brought their saluted arms down.
His eyes were locked on her and her alone.
Lucilla swallowed back a cry. She wasn’t expecting any of this. Who was this large man? He couldn’t possibly be the Emperor? All the drawings and sculptures of him were of a strong, handsome and regal looking man. That was the only thing that offered her a small amount of solace.
Lucilla held her br eath as he hungrily scanned her practically naked body. Without saying a word, he approached her and slowly brought his chubby fingers to her chest and opened the front of her robe so that her breasts were now on full display. The moment the crisp air touched her chest, her nipples hardened and became fully erect. He licked his lips and his breath quickened.
“Yes. Yes, this will be quite good ,” he said anxiously.
Lucilla had to do everything that she could to hide the look of disgust and hold back the bile that was threatening to come up her throat.
The Emperor then looked at the Captain and said, “Captain, you did quite well this time.”
With that, the Captain gave a deep bow, but was careful not to look at Lucilla.
“I should like to get started now.”
On reflex alone, Lucilla tried to jerk her legs closed, but both the Captain and the Corporal grabbed a hold of her legs and kept them wide for the Emperor. Fear and shame gripped Lucilla’s voice and she wasn’t able to even voice a protest.
“Thank you so much”, the Emperor said curtly while he hastily attempted to open his tunic and robes, all while staring at the soft folds between Lucilla’s legs.
In the next moment, the Emperor was able to free himself of his robes from the waist down. Lucilla brought herself to look down and saw the Emperor stroking his member. It was hard, but it was nothing that one would associate with the most powerful man in the world. In fact, it looked almost small compared to his overweight frame.
He continued to stroke himself as he walked closer into Lucilla’s spread legs. He then lowered his head so that his face was level with Lucilla’s center and took a breath in.
Lucilla tri ed to wiggle away as tears started to burn her eyes. “Please… please…don’t. I beg of you, Your Highness. Please don’t…”, Lucilla whimpered.
“Shhh, my dear girl, are you not a servant of the Empire and am I not your Emperor? Does laying with your ruler disgust you? If I didn’t know better, I would say that sounds
Terry Hope Isa Chandra;Romero Moskowitz