Slippery When Wet (Paranormal Gangbang Erotica)

Slippery When Wet (Paranormal Gangbang Erotica) by Prudence Sinclaire Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Slippery When Wet (Paranormal Gangbang Erotica) by Prudence Sinclaire Read Free Book Online
Authors: Prudence Sinclaire
she had reached the edge of a square hole set into the center. Her toes curled around the border, and she stared down into the murky, dark water that had filled the chasm. Although she couldn't tell through the opaque water, Cara suspected the bottom lay at least several feet below if not one hundred.
    It didn't look like other ancient public baths nor did it resemble a swimming pool. She couldn't fathom why the chamber needed such a large pool of water in the middle or what its purpose could be. The entire room held a heavy air of reverence, and Cara suspected that this might have been some sort of spiritual temple, the center of a previously undiscovered technologically advanced ancient culture. In the corner of the chasm, a staircase hugged against the wall and descended into the water below. If the water had always been there, Cara wondered who built such a staircase and what their motives could have been. She moved to the corner and stepped onto the top stair, as if trying to incite a revelation about its purpose.
    Something metallic flashed for a brief moment from beneath the surface of the water.  Cara squinted her eyes to get a better look, but she had a hard time seeing through the shadowy water below. She moved down a step and leaned over the water. Nothing. She took another step and still nothing. Cara stopped at the last dry step and leaned over the edge. After deciding she must have imagined it, Cara sighed and crouched down. She hiked her skirt around her waist to prevent it from getting wet and planted herself on her ass. She touched a toe to the water. A comfortable warmness enclosed her toe, and she dipped her legs the rest of the way into the water.
    Cara shivered and her eyes fluttered close. Not too hot and not too cold, the water felt so good against her legs. She lay onto her back and scooted her ass closer to the edge of the step. She spread her legs and enjoyed tickling sensation that stirred in her toes. The fluttering moved slowly, teasingly up her legs. She squeezed her eyes tighter and sighed. It didn't occur to her to consider what could have been causing such a movement in the water.
    The water tickled up and down her thigh in an oddly sensual manner and as light as a lover's touch. It reminded her of Tom back home. She pictured him with her now, laying between her legs and running his rough hand up her smooth skin to her dripping bare snatch that ached to be filled. Cara's breathing grew shallow and she spread her legs even further, exposing her panties to the cool air. She almost slipped a hand to her slit when the water lapped against her pussy, causing Cara to jump at the sudden touch. She giggled and enjoyed as the warm water brushed against her most intimate place. The water swirled and tumbled against her clit, and Cara started to feel her panties soaking from something else entirely.
    She moaned and tugged her panties off. She tossed them aside and lay back once more. The stone surface scratched against her bare ass, and the water lapped eagerly again at her mound. Cara's chest rose and fell in short, shallow breaths. She could picture Tom with his hot tongue running up and down her dripping slit before slipping his tongue deep inside. Not only could she picture it, but she could feel it. Hands gripped her thighs and he nibbled gently at her clit. She felt herself getting closer to release, and she spread her legs even further giving Tom deeper access to the inside of her inner folds. Her legs trembled beneath his grasp, and it wouldn't have been too long now before...
    Cara opened her eyes, and when she saw the figure between her legs, she nearly screamed. She sat straight up, and the man stopped licking her immediately. His nails clutched her thighs, and his nails dug in a little tighter. He treaded water in the space between her legs.
    "Who the hell are you, and just what do you think you're doing?"Cara said in a shaky voice, trying to catch her breath.
    He looked at her with gorgeous

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