Snowbound Mystery

Snowbound Mystery by Gertrude Warner Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Snowbound Mystery by Gertrude Warner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gertrude Warner
Tags: Ebook, book
    Benny had looked all around the living room and at last his eyes came back to the window.
    “Look!” he said. He pointed to the dark green window shade.
    “Oh, Benny,” cried Violet. “The very thing! It’s the only thing in this whole cabin that’s big enough.”
    Henry stood on the window seat and took down the shade. He unrolled it on the floor.
    “You stand on this end, Puggsy,” he said. Benny was already standing on the other end. It was perfect for a big sign!
    “Now Problem Number Two,” said Henry. “We will have to print with something white. And we haven’t any chalk. A prize to the one who thinks of something that will work.”
    “I’d like to get that prize,” said Puggsy.
    His mother said, “Well, then start thinking, Puggsy.”
    It was Violet who came up with an idea at last. She said, “I’m not sure it will work. But we can try one letter and see.”
    “What are you going to print?” asked Barbara Nelson. “What do you need?”
    “We need three sleeping bags for you,” Jessie said. “You will freeze if we don’t get something before night. Now, what’s your idea, Violet?”
    “I’ve done this before,” said Violet, “but never so big. Print the letters with water first. Then shake on the salt thickly, and when it dries shake off the loose salt.”
    “I bet it will work,” said Benny. “Let’s try. Violet, you’re the best printer and painter. Start with an S as big as this.”
    He traced a letter about four inches tall for Violet.
    “We’re lucky to have water,” said Benny. He brought a cupful of water. Jessie set down the box of salt.
    Violet went down on her hands and knees. She dipped her finger many times in the water and made a big, wet figure 3. Then she shook on plenty of salt. “Let it dry a minute,” she said. “I’ll go on with the S for sleeping bags.” Everyone watched her.
    After the letter S was made, Violet said, “Now let’s shake the salt off the 3.”
    Henry lifted the corner and shook the salt into the fireplace. A beautiful white figure 3 stayed on the shade!
    “Good, good!” shouted Benny. “It works! I knew it would!”
    When “3 S LEEPING B AGS ” had been written, Jessie said, “We ought to tell Grandfather why we want them. I think just the word Nelsons would be enough. He’ll know they came to help us.”
    Violet was already printing “3 N ELSONS .” She said, “I’m going to say ‘F INE .’ Grandfather will know that we mean we are all fine.”
    Benny said, “Say thanks for the hay. He will think that is funny.”
    “Yes, I think he will,” said Henry, laughing. “And he’ll know it’s you, Benny. It sounds like you. It will do him good.”
    When the sign was done, Henry said, “Let’s put it out now. The pilot may come early.”
    “Maybe we’ll have to put stones on the corners,” said Benny, putting on his jacket.
    “And where will we ever find stones in all this snow?” asked Tom Nelson.
    “Our nut cracking stones!” said Jessie. “Better take four with you. Then you won’t have to come back.”
    There was not much wind now, and it had stopped snowing. The boys laid the big sign on the snow. The wind lifted the corners a little, so they put a flat stone on each corner.
    “That’s neat,” said Benny. Then he stopped short. “Henry,” he said, “let’s get that hay and put it out here for the deer.”
    “Good!” said Henry. “They will find it after we go in.”
    This idea pleased Jessie. She cleaned up the floor. Tom Nelson helped the boys carry the hay out and put it near the bird feeder.
    “Listen!” said Benny, turning around again.
    “Yes!” said Henry. “The helicopter is coming—lucky we put our sign out right away. The pilot’s a little early.”
    The family inside heard the helicopter, too. They all tried to look out the window at once.
    On came the pilot until he hovered right over the boys. They saw him laugh as he read the message. He had his blackboard ready.

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